Source code for COT.vm_description.vm_description

#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Abstract class for reading, editing, and writing VMs
# September 2013, Glenn F. Matthews
# Copyright (c) 2013-2017 the COT project developers.
# See the COPYRIGHT.txt file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# and at
# This file is part of the Common OVF Tool (COT) project.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the
# top-level directory of this distribution and at
# No part
# of COT, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or
# distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.

"""Abstract superclass for reading, editing, and writing VMs.

.. autosummary::


from __future__ import print_function

import atexit
import logging
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import tempfile
import warnings

from COT.data_validation import ValueUnsupportedError
from COT.utilities import directory_size, pretty_bytes

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VMInitError(EnvironmentError): """Class representing errors encountered when trying to init/load a VM."""
[docs]class VMDescription(object): """Abstract class for reading, editing, and writing VM definitions. Examples: Because instantiating this class creates a temporary directory (:attr:`working_dir`), it's important to always clean up. This can be done explicitly:: >>> foo = VMDescription("foo.txt", None) >>> tmpdir = foo.working_dir >>> os.path.exists(tmpdir) True >>> foo.destroy() >>> os.path.exists(tmpdir) False or implicitly by using this class as a context manager:: >>> with VMDescription("foo.txt", None) as foo: ... tmpdir = foo.working_dir ... os.path.exists(tmpdir) ... True >>> os.path.exists(tmpdir) False If the specific VM class is unknown, you can use the :meth:`factory` method to try to obtain an appropriate subclass:: >>> try: # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... with VMDescription.factory("foo.txt", None) as foo: ... print(foo.__class__.__name__) ... except VMInitError as e: ... print(e) [Errno 2] Unknown VM description type for input file... **Properties** .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: input_file output_file working_dir platform config_profiles default_config_profile environment_properties environment_transports networks network_descriptions system_types version_short version_long """ # Many of these methods are abstract interfaces, so quiet, Pylint! # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc # pylint: disable=no-self-use, unused-argument @classmethod
[docs] def detect_type_from_name(cls, filename): """Check the given filename to see if it looks like a type we support. Does not check file contents, as the given filename may not yet exist. Args: filename (str): File name or path Returns: str: A string representing a recognized and supported type of file Raises: ValueUnsupportedError: if COT can't recognize the file type or doesn't know how to handle this file type. """ raise ValueUnsupportedError("filename", filename, ("none implemented"))
[docs] def factory(cls, input_file, *args, **kwargs): """Factory method to select and create the appropriate subclass. Args: input_file (str): Input file to test against each class's :meth:`detect_type_from_name` implementation. *args: Passed through to selected subclass :meth:`__init__`. **kwargs: Passed through to selected subclass :meth:`__init__`. Returns: VMDescription: appropriate subclass instance. Raises: VMInitError: if no appropriate subclass is identified VMInitError: if the selected subclass fails instantiation """ vm_class = None supported_types = [] # pylint doesn't know about __subclasses__ # # TODO: this should be fixed when pylint 2.0 is released # pylint:disable=no-member for candidate_class in VMDescription.__subclasses__(): try: candidate_class.detect_type_from_name(input_file) vm_class = candidate_class break except ValueUnsupportedError as exc: supported_types += [exc.expected_value] if not vm_class: raise VMInitError(2, "Unknown VM description type for input file -" " only supported types are {0}" .format(supported_types), input_file)"Loading '%s' as %s", input_file, vm_class.__name__) try: vm = vm_class(input_file, *args, **kwargs) except ValueUnsupportedError as exc: raise VMInitError(2, str(exc), input_file)"Successfully loaded %s from %s", vm_class.__name__, input_file) return vm
[docs] def __init__(self, input_file, output_file=None): """Read the given VM description file into memory. Also creates a temporary directory as a working directory. Args: input_file (str): Data file to read in. output_file (str): File name to write to. * If this VM is read-only, (there will never be an output file) this value should be ``None`` * If the output filename is not yet known, use ``""`` and subsequently set :attr:`output` when it is determined. """ self._input_file = input_file self._product_class = None logger.verbose("Creating temporary working directory for this VM") self._working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="cot") logger.debug("Working directory: %s", self.working_dir) self._output_file = None self.output_file = output_file atexit.register(self.destroy)
def __enter__(self): """Begin a block using this VM as a context manager object.""" return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, trace): """Exiting context manager block. If no error, call :meth:`write`. In any case, also call :meth:`destroy`. For the parameters, see :mod:`contextlib`. """ try: if exc_type is None: self.write() finally: self.destroy()
[docs] def destroy(self): """Clean up after ourselves. Deletes :attr:`self.working_dir` and its contents. """ try: if hasattr(self, 'working_dir') and os.path.exists(self.working_dir): logger.verbose("Removing working directory") total_size = directory_size(self.working_dir) logger.debug("Size of working directory '%s', prior to" " removal, is %s", self.working_dir, pretty_bytes(total_size)) # Clean up shutil.rmtree(self.working_dir) except AttributeError: pass
@property def input_file(self): """Data file to read in.""" return self._input_file @property def output_file(self): """Filename that :meth:`write` will output to.""" return self._output_file @output_file.setter def output_file(self, value): self._output_file = value @property def working_dir(self): """Temporary directory this instance can use for storage. Will be automatically erased when :meth:`destroy` is called. """ return self._working_dir
[docs] def write(self): """Write the VM description to :attr:`output_file`, if any.""" if self.output_file: raise NotImplementedError("write not implemented")
@property def product_class(self): """The product class identifier, such as""" return self._product_class @product_class.setter def product_class(self, product_class): self._product_class = product_class @property def platform(self): """The Platform instance object associated with this VM. An instance of :class:`~COT.platforms.Platform` or a more specific subclass if recognized as such. """ raise NotImplementedError("no platform value available.")
[docs] def validate_hardware(self): """Check sanity of hardware properties for this VM/product/platform. Returns: bool: ``True`` if hardware is sane, ``False`` if not. """ raise NotImplementedError("validate_hardware not implemented!")
@property def config_profiles(self): """The list of supported configuration profiles. If there are no profiles defined, returns an empty list. If there is a default profile, it will be first in the list. """ raise NotImplementedError("config_profiles not implemented!") @property def default_config_profile(self): """The name of the default configuration profile. Returns: str: Profile name or ``None`` if none are defined. """ if self.config_profiles: return self.config_profiles[0] return None @property def environment_properties(self): """The array of environment properties. Returns: list: Array of dicts (one per property) with the keys ``"key"``, ``"value"``, ``"qualifiers"``, ``"type"``, ``"label"``, and ``"description"``. """ raise NotImplementedError("environment_properties not implemented") @property def environment_transports(self): """The list of environment transport methods.""" raise NotImplementedError("environment_transports not implemented") @environment_transports.setter def environment_transports(self, value): raise NotImplementedError("environment_transports not implemented") @property def networks(self): """The list of network names currently defined in this VM.""" raise NotImplementedError("networks property not implemented!") @property def network_descriptions(self): """The list of network descriptions currently defined in this VM.""" raise NotImplementedError( "network_descriptions property not implemented!") @property def system_types(self): """List of virtual system type(s) supported by this virtual machine.""" raise NotImplementedError("system_types not implemented!") @system_types.setter def system_types(self, type_list): raise NotImplementedError("system_types setter not implemented!") @property def version_short(self): """A short string describing the product version.""" raise NotImplementedError("version_short not implemented!") @version_short.setter def version_short(self, value): raise NotImplementedError("version_short setter not implemented!") @property def version_long(self): """A long string describing the product version.""" raise NotImplementedError("version_long not implemented!") @version_long.setter def version_long(self, value): raise NotImplementedError("version_long setter not implemented")
[docs] def predicted_output_size(self): """Estimate how much disk space (in bytes) is needed to write out. Returns: int: Estimated number of bytes consumed when writing out to :attr:`output_file` (plus any associated files). """ raise NotImplementedError("predicted_output_size not implemented")
# API methods needed for add-disk
[docs] def convert_disk_if_needed(self, # pylint: disable=no-self-use disk_image, kind): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Convert the disk to a more appropriate format if needed. Args: disk_image (DiskRepresentation): Disk to inspect and possibly convert kind (str): Image type (harddisk/cdrom). Returns: DiskRepresentation: :attr:`disk_image`, if no conversion was required, or a new :class:`~COT.disks.disk.DiskRepresentation` instance representing a converted image that has been created in :attr:`output_dir`. """ # Some VMs may not need this, so default to do nothing, not error return disk_image
[docs] def search_from_filename(self, filename): """From the given filename, try to find any existing objects. Args: filename (str): Filename to search from Returns: tuple: ``(file, disk, controller_device, disk_device)``, opaque objects of which any or all may be ``None`` """ raise NotImplementedError("search_from_filename not implemented")
[docs] def search_from_file_id(self, file_id): """From the given file ID, try to find any existing objects. Args: file_id (str): File ID to search from Returns: tuple: ``(file, disk, controller_device, disk_device)``, opaque objects of which any or all may be ``None`` """ raise NotImplementedError("search_from_file_id not implemented")
[docs] def search_from_controller(self, controller, address): """From the controller type and device address, look for existing disk. Args: controller (str): ``'ide'`` or ``'scsi'`` address (str): Device address such as ``'1:0'`` Returns: tuple: ``(file, disk, controller_device, disk_device)``, opaque objects of which any or all may be ``None`` """ raise NotImplementedError("search_from_controller not implemented")
[docs] def find_open_controller(self, controller_type): """Find the first open slot on a controller of the given type. Args: controller_type (str): ``'ide'`` or ``'scsi'`` Returns: tuple: ``(controller_device, address_string)`` or ``(None, None)`` """ raise NotImplementedError("find_open_controller not implemented")
[docs] def get_id_from_file(self, file_obj): """Get the file ID from the given opaque file object. Args: file_obj (object): File object to query Returns: str: Identifier string associated with this object """ raise NotImplementedError("get_id_from_file not implemented")
[docs] def get_path_from_file(self, file_obj): """Get the file path from the given opaque file object. Args: file_obj (object): File object to query Returns: str: Relative path to the file associated with this object """ raise NotImplementedError("get_path_from_file not implemented")
[docs] def get_file_ref_from_disk(self, disk): """Get the file reference from the given opaque disk object. Args: disk (object): Disk object to query Returns: str: String that can be used to identify the file associated with this disk """ raise NotImplementedError("get_file_ref_from_disk not implemented")
[docs] def get_id_from_disk(self, disk): """Get the identifier string associated with the given Disk object. Args: disk (object): Disk object Returns: str: Identifier string associated with this object """ raise NotImplementedError("get_id_from_disk not implemented")
[docs] def get_common_subtype(self, device_type): """Get the sub-type common to all devices of the given type. Args: device_type (str): Device type such as ``'ide'`` or ``'memory'``. Returns: str: Subtype string common to all devices of this type, or ``None``, if multiple such devices exist and they do not all have the same sub-type. """ raise NotImplementedError("get_common_subtype not implemented")
[docs] def check_sanity_of_disk_device(self, disk, file_obj, disk_item, ctrl_item): """Check if the given disk is linked properly to the other objects. Args: disk (object): Disk object to validate file_obj (object): File object which this disk should be linked to (optional) disk_item (object): Disk device object which should link to this disk (optional) ctrl_item (object): Controller device object which should link to the :attr:`disk_item` Raises: ValueMismatchError: if the given items are not linked properly. """ raise NotImplementedError( "check_sanity_of_disk_device not implemented")
[docs] def add_file(self, file_path, file_id, file_obj=None, disk=None): """Add a new file object to the VM or overwrite the provided one. Args: file_path (str): Path to file to add file_id (str): Identifier string for the file in the VM file_obj (object): Existing file object to overwrite disk (object): Existing disk object referencing :attr:`file`. Returns: object: New or updated file object """ raise NotImplementedError("add_file not implemented")
[docs] def remove_file(self, file_obj, disk=None, disk_drive=None): """Remove the given file object from the VM. Args: file_obj (object): File object to remove disk (object): Disk object referencing :attr:`file` disk_drive (object): Disk drive mapping :attr:`file` to a device """ raise NotImplementedError("remove_file not implemented")
[docs] def add_disk(self, disk_repr, file_id, drive_type, disk=None): """Add a new disk object to the VM or overwrite the provided one. Args: disk_repr (DiskRepresentation): Disk file representation file_id (str): Identifier string for the file/disk mapping drive_type (str): 'harddisk' or 'cdrom' disk (object): Existing disk object to overwrite Returns: object: New or updated disk object """ raise NotImplementedError("add_disk not implemented")
[docs] def add_controller_device(self, device_type, subtype, address, ctrl_item=None): """Create a new IDE or SCSI controller, or update existing one. Args: device_type (str): ``'ide'`` or ``'scsi'`` subtype (str): Subtype such as ``'virtio'`` (optional) address (int): Controller address such as 0 or 1 (optional) ctrl_item (object): Existing controller device to update (optional) Returns: object: New or updated controller device object """ raise NotImplementedError("add_controller_device not implemented")
[docs] def add_disk_device(self, drive_type, address, name, description, disk, file_obj, ctrl_item, disk_item=None): """Add a new disk device to the VM or update the provided one. Args: drive_type (str): ``'harddisk'`` or ``'cdrom'`` address (str): Address on controller, such as "1:0" (optional) name (str): Device name string (optional) description (str): Description string (optional) disk (object): Disk object to map to this device file_obj (object): File object to map to this device ctrl_item (object): Controller object to serve as parent disk_item (object): Existing disk device to update instead of making a new device. Returns: object: New or updated disk device object. """ raise NotImplementedError("add_disk_device not implemented")
# API methods needed for edit-hardware
[docs] def create_configuration_profile(self, pid, label, description): """Create/update a configuration profile with the given ID. Args: pid (str): Profile identifier label (str): Brief descriptive label for the profile description (str): Verbose description of the profile """ raise NotImplementedError("create_configuration_profile " "not implemented!")
[docs] def delete_configuration_profile(self, profile): """Delete the configuration profile with the given ID. Args: profile (str): Profile identifier """ raise NotImplementedError("delete_configuration_profile " "not implemented")
# A note on getters/setters that take a profile_list parameter: # # A profile name of None is taken to mean "the default for all profiles # now or in the future that do not explicitly have a different value set." # # A profile_list of None or [] is taken to mean "all profiles, including # the default, as well as any to be defined in the future". For a VM with # profiles 'a' and 'b' currently defined, this is equivalent to the list # [None, 'a', 'b'] # # A profile_list of [None] means "the default value to be inherited by # any other profiles that do not override it" # # A profile_list of [None, "a"] means "the default and profile 'a'". For a # setter function, this translates to "change 'a' to inherit the default, # and change the default as well." # # A profile_list of ["a", "b", "c"] means "profiles 'a', 'b', and 'c', but # not the default.
[docs] def set_cpu_count(self, cpus, profile_list): """Set the number of CPUs. Args: cpus (int): Number of CPUs profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_cpu_count not implemented!")
[docs] def set_memory(self, megabytes, profile_list): """Set the amount of RAM, in megabytes. Args: megabytes (int): Memory value, in megabytes profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_memory not implemented!")
[docs] def set_nic_type(self, nic_type, profile_list): """Set the hardware type for NICs. .. deprecated:: 1.5 Use :func:`set_nic_types` instead. Args: nic_type (str): NIC hardware type profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles. """ warnings.warn("Use set_nic_types() instead", DeprecationWarning) self.set_nic_types([nic_type], profile_list)
[docs] def set_nic_types(self, type_list, profile_list): """Set the hardware type(s) for NICs. Args: type_list (list): NIC hardware type(s) profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles. """ raise NotImplementedError("set_nic_types not implemented!")
[docs] def get_nic_count(self, profile_list): """Get the number of NICs under the given profile(s). Args: profile_list (list): Profile(s) of interest. Returns: dict: ``{ profile_name : nic_count }`` """ raise NotImplementedError("get_nic_count not implemented!")
[docs] def set_nic_count(self, count, profile_list): """Set the given profile(s) to have the given number of NICs. Args: count (int): number of NICs profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_nic_count not implemented!")
[docs] def create_network(self, label, description): """Define a new network with the given label and description. Also serves to update the description of an existing network label. Args: label (str): Brief label for the network description (str): Verbose description of the network """ raise NotImplementedError("create_network not implemented!")
[docs] def set_nic_networks(self, network_list, profile_list): """Set the NIC to network mapping for NICs under the given profile(s). .. note:: If the length of :attr:`network_list` is less than the number of NICs, will use the last entry in the list for all remaining NICs. Args: network_list (list): List of networks to map NICs to profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_nic_networks not implemented!")
[docs] def set_nic_mac_addresses(self, mac_list, profile_list): """Set the MAC addresses for NICs under the given profile(s). .. note:: If the length of :attr:`mac_list` is less than the number of NICs, will use the last entry in the list for all remaining NICs. Args: mac_list (list): List of MAC addresses to assign to NICs profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_nic_mac_addresses not implemented!")
[docs] def set_nic_names(self, name_list, profile_list): """Set the device names for NICs under the given profile(s). Args: name_list (list): List of names to assign. profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_nic_names not implemented!")
[docs] def get_serial_count(self, profile_list): """Get the number of serial ports under the given profile(s). Args: profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles Returns: dict: ``{ profile_name : serial_count }`` """ raise NotImplementedError("get_serial_count not implemented!")
[docs] def set_serial_count(self, count, profile_list): """Set the given profile(s) to have the given number of NICs. Args: count (int): Number of serial ports profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_serial_count not implemented!")
[docs] def set_serial_connectivity(self, conn_list, profile_list): """Set the serial port connectivity under the given profile(s). Args: conn_list (list): List of connectivity strings profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_serial_connectivity not implemented!")
[docs] def get_serial_connectivity(self, profile): """Get the serial port connectivity strings under the given profile. Args: profile (str): Profile of interest. Returns: list: List of connectivity strings """ raise NotImplementedError("get_serial_connectivity not implemented!")
[docs] def set_scsi_subtype(self, subtype, profile_list): """Set the device subtype for the SCSI controller(s). .. deprecated:: 1.5 Use :func:`set_scsi_subtypes` instead. Args: subtype (str): SCSI subtype string profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ warnings.warn("Use set_scsi_subtypes() instead", DeprecationWarning) self.set_scsi_subtypes([subtype], profile_list)
[docs] def set_scsi_subtypes(self, type_list, profile_list): """Set the device subtype list for the SCSI controller(s). Args: type_list (list): SCSI subtype string list profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_scsi_subtypes not implemented!")
[docs] def set_ide_subtype(self, subtype, profile_list): """Set the device subtype for the IDE controller(s). .. deprecated:: 1.5 Use :func:`set_ide_subtypes` instead. Args: subtype (str): IDE subtype string profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ warnings.warn("Use set_ide_subtypes() instead", DeprecationWarning) self.set_ide_subtypes([subtype], profile_list)
[docs] def set_ide_subtypes(self, type_list, profile_list): """Set the device subtype list for the IDE controller(s). Args: type_list (list): IDE subtype string list profile_list (list): Change only the given profiles """ raise NotImplementedError("set_ide_subtypes not implemented!")
# API methods needed for edit-product # API methods needed for edit-properties
[docs] def get_property_value(self, key): """Get the value of the given property. Args: key (str): Property identifier Returns: str: Value of this property, or ``None`` """ raise NotImplementedError("get_property_value not implemented")
[docs] def set_property_value(self, key, value, user_configurable=None, property_type=None, label=None, description=None): """Set the value of the given property (converting value if needed). Args: key (str): Property identifier value (object): Value to set for this property user_configurable (bool): Should this property be configurable at deployment time by the user? property_type (str): Value type - 'string' or 'boolean' label (str): Brief explanatory label for this property description (str): Detailed description of this property Returns: str: the (converted) value that was set. """ raise NotImplementedError("set_property_value not implemented")
[docs] def config_file_to_properties(self, file_path, user_configurable=None): """Import each line of a text file into a configuration property. Args: file_path (str): File name to import. user_configurable (bool): Should the properties be configurable at deployment time by the user? """ raise NotImplementedError("config_file_to_properties not implemented")
# API methods needed for info verbosity_options = { 'brief': 0, None: 1, 'verbose': 2 }
[docs] def info_string(self, width=79, verbosity_option=None): """Get a descriptive string summarizing the contents of this VM. Args: width (int): Line length to wrap to where possible. verbosity_option (str): 'brief', None (default), or 'verbose' Returns: str: Wrapped, appropriately verbose string. """ raise NotImplementedError("info_string not implemented")
[docs] def profile_info_string(self, width=79, verbosity_option=None): """Get a string summarizing available configuration profiles. Args: width (int): Line length to wrap to if possible verbosity_option (str): 'brief', None (default), or 'verbose' Returns: str: Appropriately formatted and verbose string. """ raise NotImplementedError("profile_info_string not implemented")
# API methods needed for inject-config
[docs] def find_empty_drive(self, drive_type): """Find a disk device that exists but contains no data. Args: drive_type (str): Disk drive type, such as 'cdrom' or 'harddisk' Returns: object: Hardware device object, or None. """ raise NotImplementedError("find_empty_drive not implemented")
[docs] def find_device_location(self, device): """Find the controller type and address of a given device object. Args: device (object): Hardware device object. Returns: tuple: ``(type, address)``, such as ``("ide", "1:0")``. """ raise NotImplementedError("find_device_location not implemented")
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover import doctest doctest.testmod()