COT.commands module

Package describing various operations COT can perform on a VM description.


Command Abstract interface for COT commands.
ReadCommand Command, such as ‘deploy’, that reads from a VM file to create its vm.
ReadWriteCommand Command that reads from and writes to a VM description.

Command modules

COT.commands.add_disk Module for adding disks to VMs.
COT.commands.add_file Module for adding files to VM definitions.
COT.commands.deploy Module for deploying VM descriptions to a hypervisor to instantiate VMs.
COT.commands.deploy_esxi Module for deploying VMs to ESXi, vCenter, and vSphere.
COT.commands.edit_hardware Module for editing hardware details of a VM.
COT.commands.edit_product Module for editing product information in a VM description.
COT.commands.edit_properties Module for managing VM environment configuration properties. Provide ‘help’ keyword for COT CLI. Implements “info” subcommand.
COT.commands.inject_config Implements “inject-config” command.
COT.commands.install_helpers Implements “install-helpers” command.
COT.commands.remove_file Module for removing files from VM definitions.
class Command(ui)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract interface for COT commands.

Attributes: vm, ui


Generally a command should not inherit directly from this class, but should instead subclass ReadCommand or ReadWriteCommand as appropriate.


Instantiate this command with the given UI.

Parameters:ui (UI) – User interface instance.
check_disk_space(required_size, location, label='File', context=None, force_check=False, die=False)[source]

Check if there is sufficient disk space available at a location.

If there is insufficient space, warn the user before continuing.

Caches space requirements per location, so it’s safe to call repeatedly, as it will only re-check (and possibly re-prompt the user) if:

  1. a different location is requested
  2. or the required size changes
  3. or force_check is True.
  • required_size (int) – Bytes required
  • location (str) – Path to check availability of.
  • label (str) – Descriptive label to display in user messages.
  • context (str) – Optional string for additional context to provide when prompting the user.
  • force_check (bool) – If True, re-check and re-prompt the user even if this location has previously been checked and its required_size has not changed.
  • die (bool) – If True, use confirm_or_die() instead of confirm()


Whether sufficient space is available (or if not,

whether the user has opted to continue anyway).


SystemExit – if disk space is insufficient and die is True and the user declines to continue.


Add subparser for the CLI of this command.


Destroy any VM associated with this command.


Do any final actions before being destroyed.

This class does nothing; subclasses may choose to do things like write their VM state out to a file.


Check whether the module is ready to run().

Returns:tuple(True, ready_message) or (False, reason_why_not)

Do the actual work of this command.

Raises:InvalidInputError – if ready_to_run() reports False

How much space this module will require in working_dir.

By default, assumes the entire VM may be written to working directory. Subclasses may wish to extend or override this.

Returns:int – Predicted temporary storage requirements.
class ReadCommand(ui)[source]

Bases: COT.commands.command.Command

Command, such as ‘deploy’, that reads from a VM file to create its vm.

Inherited attributes: vm, ui

Attributes: package


Instantiate this command with the given UI.

Parameters:ui (UI) – User interface instance.

Check whether the module is ready to run().

Returns:tuple(True, ready_message) or (False, reason_why_not)

VM description file to read from.

Calls COT.vm_description.VMDescription.factory() to instantiate self.vm from the provided file.

Raises:InvalidInputError – if the file does not exist.
class ReadWriteCommand(ui)[source]

Bases: COT.commands.command.ReadCommand

Command that reads from and writes to a VM description.

Inherited attributes: vm, ui

Attributes: package, output


Instantiate this command with the given UI.

Parameters:ui (UI) – User interface instance.

Write the current VM state out to disk if requested.


Check whether the module is ready to run().

Returns:tuple(True, ready_message) or (False, reason_why_not)

Do the actual work of this command.

If output was not previously set, automatically sets it to the value of PACKAGE.

Raises:InvalidInputError – if ready_to_run() reports False

Output file for this command.

If the specified file already exists, will prompt the user (confirm_or_die()) to confirm overwriting the existing file.


VM description file to read from.

Calls COT.vm_description.VMDescription.factory() to instantiate self.vm from the provided file.

Raises:InvalidInputError – if the file does not exist.