COT.cli module

CLI entry point for the Common OVF Tool (COT) suite.


formatter Create formatter for log output.


CLI Command-line user interface for COT.
class CLI(terminal_width=None)[source]

Bases: COT.ui_shared.UI

Command-line user interface for COT.

confirm Prompt user to confirm the requested operation.
create_parser Create parser object for global cot command.
create_subparsers Populate the CLI sub-parsers for all known submodules.
fill_examples Pretty-print a set of usage examples.
fill_usage Pretty-print a list of usage strings for a COT subcommand.
get_input Prompt the user to enter a string.
get_password Get password string from the user.
main Main worker function for COT when invoked from the CLI.
parse_args Parse the given CLI arguments into a namespace object.
run Parse the given CLI args then run.
set_verbosity Enable logging and/or change the logging verbosity level.
terminal_width The width of the terminal in columns.

Create CLI handler instance.

Parameters:terminal_width (int) – (optional) Set the terminal width for this CLI, independent of the actual terminal in use.
add_subparser(title, parent=None, aliases=None, lookup_prefix='', **kwargs)[source]

Create a subparser under the specified parent.

  • title (str) – Canonical keyword for this subparser
  • parent (object) – Subparser grouping object returned by ArgumentParser.add_subparsers()
  • aliases (list) – Aliases for title. Only used in Python 3.x.
  • lookup_prefix (str) – String to prepend to title and each alias in aliases for lookup purposes.
  • kwargs (dict) – Passed through to parent.add_parser()

object – Subparser object

static args_to_dict(args)[source]

Convert args to a dict and perform any needed cleanup.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – Namespace from parse_args().
Returns:dict – Dictionary of arg to value

Prompt user to confirm the requested operation.

Auto-accepts if force is set to True.

Parameters:prompt (str) – Message to prompt the user with
Returns:boolTrue (user accepts) or False (user declines)

Create parser object for global cot command.

Includes a number of globally applicable CLI options.


Populate the CLI sub-parsers for all known submodules.

Creates an instance of each COTGenericSubmodule subclass, then calls create_subparser() for each.


Pretty-print a set of usage examples.

Parameters:example_list (list) – List of (description, CLI example) tuples.
Returns:str – Concatenation of examples, each wrapped appropriately to the terminal_width() value. CLI examples will be wrapped with backslashes and a hanging indent.


>>> print(CLI(68).fill_examples([
...  ("Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server with credentials"
...   " admin/admin, creating a VM named 'test_vm' from foo.ova.",
...   'cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -p admin'
...   ' -n test_vm'),
...  ("Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server, with username"
...   " admin (prompting the user to input a password at runtime),"
...   " creating a VM based on profile '1CPU-2.5GB' in foo.ova.",
...   'cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -c 1CPU-2.5GB')
... ]))
  Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server with credentials
  admin/admin, creating a VM named 'test_vm' from foo.ova.

    cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -p admin \
        -n test_vm

  Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server, with username admin
  (prompting the user to input a password at runtime), creating a
  VM based on profile '1CPU-2.5GB' in foo.ova.

    cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -c 1CPU-2.5GB
fill_usage(subcommand, usage_list)[source]

Pretty-print a list of usage strings for a COT subcommand.

Automatically prepends a cot subcommand --help usage string to the provided list.

  • subcommand (str) – Subcommand name/keyword
  • usage_list (list) – List of usage strings for this subcommand.

string – All usage strings, each appropriately wrapped to the terminal_width() value.


>>> print(CLI(50).fill_usage('add-file',
...       ["FILE PACKAGE [-o OUTPUT] [-f FILE_ID]"]))

  cot add-file --help
  cot <opts> add-file FILE PACKAGE [-o OUTPUT]
                      [-f FILE_ID]
get_input(prompt, default_value)[source]

Prompt the user to enter a string.

Auto-inputs the default_value if force is set to True.

  • prompt (str) – Message to prompt the user with
  • default_value (str) – Default value to input if the user simply hits Enter without entering a value, or if force.

str – Input value

get_password(username, host)[source]

Get password string from the user.

  • username (str) – Username the password is associated with
  • host (str) – Host the password is associated with

InvalidInputError – if force is True (as there is no “default” password value)


str – Password string


Main worker function for COT when invoked from the CLI.

  • Calls set_verbosity() with the appropriate verbosity level derived from the args.
  • Looks up the appropriate COTGenericSubmodule instance corresponding to the subcommand that was invoked.
  • Converts args to a dict and calls set_value() for each arg/value in the dict.
  • Calls run() followed by finished().
  • Catches various exceptions and handles them appropriately.
Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – Parser namespace object returned from parse_args().
Returns:int – Exit code for the COT executable.
  • 0 on successful completion
  • 1 on runtime error
  • 2 on input error (parser error, InvalidInputError, etc.)

Parse the given CLI arguments into a namespace object.

Parameters:argv (list) – List of CLI arguments, not including argv0
Returns:argparse.Namespace – Parser namespace object

Parse the given CLI args then run.

Calls parse_args() followed by main().

Parameters:argv (list) – The CLI argv value (not including argv[0])
Returns:int – Return code from main()
static set_instance_attributes(arg_dict)[source]

Set attributes of the instance based on the given arg_dict.

Parameters:arg_dict (dict) – Dictionary of (attribute, value).
Raises:InvalidInputError – if attributes are not validly set.

Enable logging and/or change the logging verbosity level.

Will call formatter() and associate the resulting formatter with logging.

Parameters:level (int) – Logging level as defined by logging

The width of the terminal in columns.


Create formatter for log output.

We offer different (more verbose) formatting when debugging is enabled, hence this need.

Parameters:verbosity (int) – Logging level as defined by logging.
Returns:colorlog.ColoredFormatter – Formatter object to use with logging.

Launch COT from the CLI.