COT.ovf.ovf module

Module for handling OVF and OVA virtual machine description files.


byte_count Convert an OVF-style value + multiplier into decimal byte count.
byte_string Pretty-print the given bytes value.
factor_bytes Convert a byte count into OVF-style bytes + multiplier.


OVF Representation of the contents of an OVF or OVA.
class OVF(input_file, output_file)[source]

Bases: COT.vm_description.VMDescription, COT.xml_file.XML

Representation of the contents of an OVF or OVA.


input_file Data file to read in.
output_file OVF or OVA file that will be created or updated by write().
ovf_version Float representing the OVF specification version in use.
product_class The product class identifier, such as
platform The platform type, as determined from the OVF descriptor.
config_profiles The list of supported configuration profiles.
default_config_profile The name of the default configuration profile.
environment_properties The array of environment properties.
environment_transports The list of environment transport methods.
networks The list of network names currently defined in this VM.
network_descriptions The list of network descriptions currently defined in this VM.
system_types List of virtual system type(s) supported by this virtual machine.
version_short Short descriptive version string (XML Version element).
version_long Long descriptive version string (XML FullVersion element).
add_controller_device(device_type, subtype, address, ctrl_item=None)[source]

Create a new IDE or SCSI controller, or update existing one.

  • device_type (str) – 'ide' or 'scsi'
  • subtype – Subtype such as 'virtio' (optional), or list of subtype values
  • address (int) – Controller address such as 0 or 1 (optional)
  • ctrl_item (OVFItem) – Existing controller device to update (optional)

New or updated controller device object

add_disk(file_path, file_id, disk_type, disk=None)[source]

Add a new disk object to the VM or overwrite the provided one.

  • file_path (str) – Path to disk image file
  • file_id (str) – Identifier string for the file/disk mapping
  • disk_type (str) – ‘harddisk’ or ‘cdrom’
  • disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Existing disk object to overwrite

New or updated disk object

add_disk_device(disk_type, address, name, description, disk, file_obj, ctrl_item, disk_item=None)[source]

Create a new disk hardware device or overwrite an existing one.

  • disk_type (str) – 'harddisk' or 'cdrom'
  • address (str) – Address on controller, such as “1:0” (optional)
  • name (str) – Device name string (optional)
  • description (str) – Description string (optional)
  • disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Disk object to map to this device
  • file_obj (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – File object to map to this device
  • ctrl_item (OVFItem) – Controller object to serve as parent
  • disk_item (OVFItem) – Existing disk device to update instead of making a new device.

New or updated disk device object.

add_file(file_path, file_id, file_obj=None, disk=None)[source]

Add a new file object to the VM or overwrite the provided one.

  • file_path (str) – Path to file to add
  • file_id (str) – Identifier string for the file in the VM
  • file_obj (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Existing file object to overwrite
  • disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Existing disk object referencing file.

New or updated file object

check_sanity_of_disk_device(disk, file_obj, disk_item, ctrl_item)[source]

Check if the given disk is linked properly to the other objects.

  • disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Disk object to validate
  • file_obj (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – File object which this disk should be linked to (optional)
  • disk_item (OVFItem) – Disk device object which should link to this disk (optional)
  • ctrl_item (OVFItem) – Controller device object which should link to the disk_item
  • ValueMismatchError – if the given items are not linked properly.
  • ValueUnsupportedError – if the disk_item has a HostResource value in an unrecognized or invalid format.
config_file_to_properties(file_path, user_configurable=None)[source]

Import each line of a text file into a configuration property.


NotImplementedError – if the platform for this OVF does not define LITERAL_CLI_STRING

  • file_path (str) – File name to import.
  • user_configurable (bool) – Should the properties be configurable at deployment time by the user?
convert_disk_if_needed(file_path, kind)[source]

Convert the disk to a more appropriate format if needed.

  • All hard disk files are converted to stream-optimized VMDK as it is the only format that VMware supports in OVA packages.
  • CD-ROM iso images are accepted without change.
  • file_path (str) – Image to inspect and possibly convert
  • kind (str) – Image type (harddisk/cdrom)

  • file_path, if no conversion was required
  • or a file path in output_dir containing the converted image

create_configuration_profile(pid, label, description)[source]

Create or update a configuration profile with the given ID.

  • pid (str) – Profile identifier
  • label (str) – Brief descriptive label for the profile
  • description (str) – Verbose description of the profile
create_network(label, description)[source]

Define a new network with the given label and description.

Also serves to update the description of an existing network label.

  • label (str) – Brief label for the network
  • description (str) – Verbose description of the network

Delete the profile with the given ID.

static detect_type_from_name(filename)[source]

Check the given filename to see if it looks like a type we support.

For our purposes, the file needs to match ”.ov[af]” to appear to be an OVF/OVA file. We also support names like “foo.ovf.20150101” as those have been seen in the wild.

Does not check file contents, as the given filename may not yet exist.

Returns:‘.ovf’ or ‘.ova’
Raises:ValueUnsupportedError – if filename doesn’t match ovf/ova

Get a one-line summary of a hardware device.

Parameters:device_item (OVFItem) – Device to summarize
Returns:Descriptive string such as “harddisk @ IDE 1:0”

Find the controller type and address of a given device object.

Parameters:device (OVFItem) – Hardware device object.
Returns:(type, address), such as ("ide", "1:0").

Find the Disk that uses the given file_id for backing.

Parameters:file_id (str) – File identifier string
Returns:Disk element matching the file, or None

Find a disk device that exists but contains no data.

Parameters:disk_type (str) – Either ‘cdrom’ or ‘harddisk’
Returns:Hardware device object, or None.

Find the disk Item that references the given Disk.

Parameters:disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Disk element
Returns:OVFItem instance, or None

Find the disk Item that references the given File.

Parameters:file_obj (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – File element
Returns:OVFItem instance, or None.

Find the first open slot on a controller of the given type.

Parameters:controller_type (str) – 'ide' or 'scsi'
Returns:(ctrl_item, address_string) or (None, None)

Find the parent Item of the given Item.

Parameters:item (OVFItem) – Item whose parent is desired
Returns:OVFItem representing the parent device, or None

Construct the manifest file for this package, if possible.

Parameters:ovf_file (str) – OVF descriptor file path
Returns:True if the manifest was successfully generated, False if not successful (such as if checksum helper tools are unavailable).

Get the capacity of the given Disk in bytes.

Parameters:disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Disk element to inspect
Return type:int

Get the sub-type common to all devices of the given type.

Parameters:device_type (str) – Device type such as 'ide' or 'memory'.
Returns:None, if multiple such devices exist and they do not all have the same sub-type.
Returns:Subtype string common to all devices of the type.

Get the file reference from the given opaque disk object.

Parameters:disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – ‘Disk’ element
Returns:‘fileRef’ attribute value of this element

Get the identifier string associated with the given Disk object.

Parameters:disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Disk object to inspect
Return type:string

Get the file ID from the given opaque file object.

Parameters:file_obj (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – ‘File’ element
Returns:‘id’ attribute value of this element

Get the number of NICs under the given profile(s).

Parameters:profile_list (list) – Profile(s) of interest.
Return type:dict
Returns:{ profile_name : nic_count }

Get the file path from the given opaque file object.

Parameters:file_obj (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – ‘File’ element
Returns:‘href’ attribute value of this element

Get the value of the given property.

Parameters:key (str) – Property identifier
Returns:Value of this property, or None

Get the serial port connectivity strings under the given profile.

Parameters:profile (str) – Profile of interest.
Returns:List of connectivity strings

Get the number of serial ports under the given profile(s).

Return type:dict
Returns:{ profile_name : serial_count }

Get the sub-type of the given opaque device object.

Parameters:device (OVFItem) – Device object to query
Returns:None, or string such as ‘virtio’ or ‘lsilogic’, or list of strings

Get the type of the given device.

Parameters:device (OVFItem) – Device object to query
Returns:string such as ‘ide’ or ‘memory’
info_string(width=79, verbosity_option=None)[source]

Get a descriptive string summarizing the contents of this OVF.

  • width (int) – Line length to wrap to where possible.
  • verbosity_option (str) – 'brief', None (default), or 'verbose'

Wrapped, appropriately verbose string.

profile_info_list(width=79, verbose=False)[source]

Get a list describing available configuration profiles.

  • width (int) – Line length to wrap to if possible
  • verbose (str) – if True, generate multiple lines per profile

(header, list)

profile_info_string(width=79, verbosity_option=None)[source]

Get a string summarizing available configuration profiles.

  • width (int) – Line length to wrap to if possible
  • verbosity_option (str) – 'brief', None (default), or 'verbose'

Appropriately formatted and verbose string.

remove_file(file_obj, disk=None, disk_drive=None)[source]

Remove the given file object from the VM.

  • file_obj (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – File object to remove
  • disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Disk object referencing file
  • disk_drive (OVFItem) – Disk drive mapping file to a device
search_from_controller(controller, address)[source]

From the controller type and device address, look for existing disk.

This implementation uses the parameters to find matching controller and disk Item elements, then using the disk Item to find matching File and/or Disk.

  • controller (str) – 'ide' or 'scsi'
  • address (str) – Device address such as '1:0'

(file, disk, ctrl_item, disk_item), any or all of which may be None


From the given file ID, try to find any existing objects.

This implementation uses the given file_id to find a matching File in the OVF, then using that to find a matching Disk and Item entries.

Parameters:file_id (str) – Filename to search from
Returns:(file, disk, ctrl_item, disk_item), any or all of which may be None

From the given filename, try to find any existing objects.

This implementation uses the given filename to find a matching File in the OVF, then using that to find a matching Disk and Item entries.

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to search from
Returns:(file, disk, ctrl_item, disk_item), any or all of which may be None
set_capacity_of_disk(disk, capacity_bytes)[source]

Set the storage capacity of the given Disk.

Tries to use the most human-readable form possible (i.e., 8 GiB instead of 8589934592 bytes).

  • disk (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Disk to update
  • capacity_bytes (int) – Disk capacity, in bytes
set_cpu_count(cpus, profile_list)[source]

Set the number of CPUs.

  • cpus (int) – Number of CPUs
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
set_ide_subtypes(type_list, profile_list)[source]

Set the device subtype(s) for the IDE controller(s).

  • type_list (list) – IDE subtype string list
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
set_memory(megabytes, profile_list)[source]

Set the amount of RAM, in megabytes.

  • megabytes (int) – Memory value, in megabytes
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
set_nic_count(count, profile_list)[source]

Set the given profile(s) to have the given number of NICs.

  • count (int) – number of NICs
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
set_nic_mac_addresses(mac_list, profile_list)[source]

Set the MAC addresses for NICs under the given profile(s).


If the length of mac_list is less than the number of NICs, will use the last entry in the list for all remaining NICs.

  • mac_list (list) – List of MAC addresses to assign to NICs
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
set_nic_names(name_list, profile_list)[source]

Set the device names for NICs under the given profile(s).

  • name_list (list) – List of names to assign.
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
set_nic_networks(network_list, profile_list)[source]

Set the NIC to network mapping for NICs under the given profile(s).


If the length of network_list is less than the number of NICs, will use the last entry in the list for all remaining NICs.

  • network_list (list) – List of networks to map NICs to
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
set_nic_types(type_list, profile_list)[source]

Set the hardware type(s) for NICs.

  • type_list (list) – NIC hardware type(s)
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles.
set_property_value(key, value, user_configurable=None, property_type=None, label=None, description=None)[source]

Set the value of the given property (converting value if needed).

  • key (str) – Property identifier
  • value – Value to set for this property
  • user_configurable (bool) – Should this property be configurable at deployment time by the user?
  • property_type (str) – Value type - ‘string’ or ‘boolean’
  • label (str) – Brief explanatory label for this property
  • description (str) – Detailed description of this property

the (converted) value that was set.

set_scsi_subtypes(type_list, profile_list)[source]

Set the device subtype(s) for the SCSI controller(s).

  • type_list (list) – SCSI subtype string list
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
set_serial_connectivity(conn_list, profile_list)[source]

Set the serial port connectivity under the given profile(s).

  • conn_list (list) – List of connectivity strings
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
set_serial_count(count, profile_list)[source]

Set the given profile(s) to have the given number of serial ports.

  • count (int) – Number of serial ports
  • profile_list (list) – Change only the given profiles
tar(ovf_descriptor, tar_file)[source]

Create a .ova tar file based on the given OVF descriptor.

  • ovf_descriptor (str) – File path for an OVF descriptor
  • tar_file (str) – File path for the desired OVA archive.

Untar the OVF descriptor from an .ova to the working directory.

Parameters:file_path (str) – OVA file path
Raises:VMInitError – if the given file does not represent a valid OVA archive.
Returns:Path to extracted OVF descriptor

Check all File entries to make sure they are valid and up to date.

Helper method for write().


Make sure all defined networks are actually used by NICs.

Delete any networks that are unused and warn the user. Helper method for write().


Check sanity of hardware properties for this VM/product/platform.

Returns:True if hardware is sane, False if not.

Write OVF or OVA to output_file, if set.

INFO_STRING_DISK_TEMPLATE = '{{0:{0}}} {{1:>9}} {{2:>9}} {{3:.20}}'
INFO_STRING_FILE_TEMPLATE = '{{0:{0}}} {{1:>9}}'
PROFILE_INFO_TEMPLATE = '{{0:{0}}} {{1:>4}} {{2:>9}} {{3:>4}} {{4:>7}} {{5:>14}}'

Application URL string (XML AppUrl element).


The list of supported configuration profiles.

If this OVF has no defined profiles, returns an empty list. If there is a default profile, it will be first in the list.


The array of environment properties.

Returns:Array of dicts (one per property) with the keys "key", "value", "qualifiers", "type", "user_configurable", "label", and "description".

The list of environment transport methods.

Return type:list[str]

The list of network descriptions currently defined in this VM.

Return type:list[str]

The list of network names currently defined in this VM.

Return type:list[str]

OVF or OVA file that will be created or updated by write().

Raises:ValueUnsupportedError – if detect_type_from_name() fails

Float representing the OVF specification version in use.

Supported values at present are 0.9, 1.0, and 2.0.


The platform type, as determined from the OVF descriptor.

Type:Class object - GenericPlatform or a more-specific subclass if recognized as such.

Short descriptive product string (XML Product element).


The product class identifier, such as


Product URL string (XML ProductUrl element).


List of virtual system type(s) supported by this virtual machine.

For an OVF, this corresponds to the VirtualSystemType element.


Short descriptive vendor string (XML Vendor element).


Vendor URL string (XML VendorUrl element).


Long descriptive version string (XML FullVersion element).


Short descriptive version string (XML Version element).

byte_count(base_val, multiplier)[source]

Convert an OVF-style value + multiplier into decimal byte count.

Inverse operation of factor_bytes().

>>> byte_count("128", "byte * 2^20")
>>> byte_count("512", "MegaBytes")
  • base_val (str) – Base value string (value of ovf:capacity, etc.)
  • multiplier (str) – Multiplier string (value of ovf:capacityAllocationUnits, etc.)

Number of bytes

Return type:


byte_string(byte_value, base_shift=0)[source]

Pretty-print the given bytes value.

>>> byte_string(512)
'512 B'
>>> byte_string(512, 2)
'512 MiB'
>>> byte_string(65536, 2)
'64 GiB'
>>> byte_string(65547)
'64.01 KiB'
>>> byte_string(65530, 3)
'63.99 TiB'
>>> byte_string(1023850)
'999.9 KiB'
>>> byte_string(1024000)
'1000 KiB'
>>> byte_string(1048575)
'1024 KiB'
>>> byte_string(1049200)
'1.001 MiB'
>>> byte_string(2560)
'2.5 KiB'
  • byte_value (float) – Value
  • base_shift (int) – Base value of byte_value (0 = bytes, 1 = KiB, 2 = MiB, etc.)

Pretty-printed byte string such as “1.00 GiB”


Convert a byte count into OVF-style bytes + multiplier.

Inverse operation of byte_count()

>>> factor_bytes(134217728)
('128', 'byte * 2^20')
>>> factor_bytes(134217729)
('134217729', 'byte')
Parameters:byte_value (int) – Number of bytes
Returns:(base_val, multiplier)