COT.cli module

CLI entry point for the Common OVF Tool (COT) suite.


CLI Command-line user interface for COT.
class CLI(terminal_width=None)[source]

Bases: COT.ui_shared.UI

Command-line user interface for COT.

confirm Prompt user to confirm the requested operation.
create_parser Create parser object for global cot command.
create_subparsers Populate the CLI sub-parsers for all known submodules.
fill_examples Pretty-print a set of usage examples.
fill_usage Pretty-print a list of usage strings for a COT subcommand.
formatter Create formatter for log output.
get_input Prompt the user to enter a string.
get_password Get password string from the user.
main Main worker function for COT when invoked from the CLI.
parse_args Parse the given CLI arguments into a namespace object.
run Parse the given CLI args then run.
set_verbosity Enable logging and/or change the logging verbosity level.
terminal_width The width of the terminal in columns.

Prompt user to confirm the requested operation.

Auto-accepts if force is set to True.

Parameters:prompt (str) – Message to prompt the user with
Returns:True (user confirms acceptance) or False (user declines)

Create parser object for global cot command.

Includes a number of globally applicable CLI options.


Populate the CLI sub-parsers for all known submodules.

Creates an instance of each COTGenericSubmodule subclass, then calls create_subparser() for each.


Pretty-print a set of usage examples.

>>> fill_examples([
...    ("Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server with credentials"
...     " admin/admin, creating a VM named 'test_vm' from foo.ova.",
...     'cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -p admin'
...     ' -n test_vm'),
...    ("Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server, with username"
...     " admin (prompting the user to input a password at runtime),"
...     " creating a VM based on profile '1CPU-2.5GB' in foo.ova.",
...     'cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -c 1CPU-2.5GB')
... ])
  Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server with credentials
  admin/admin, creating a VM named 'test_vm' from foo.ova.

    cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -p admin \
        -n test_vm

  Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server, with username admin
  (prompting the user to input a password at runtime), creating a VM
  based on profile '1CPU-2.5GB' in foo.ova.

    cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -c 1CPU-2.5GB
Parameters:example_list (list) – List of (description, CLI example) tuples.
Returns:Examples wrapped appropriately to the terminal_width() value. CLI examples will be wrapped with backslashes and a hanging indent.
fill_usage(subcommand, usage_list)[source]

Pretty-print a list of usage strings for a COT subcommand.

Automatically prepends a cot subcommand --help usage string to the provided list.

>>> fill_usage('add-file', ["FILE PACKAGE [-o OUTPUT] [-f FILE_ID]"])
  cot add-file --help
  cot add-file FILE PACKAGE [-o OUTPUT]
               [-f FILE_ID]
  • subcommand (str) – Subcommand name/keyword
  • usage_list (list) – List of usage strings for this subcommand.

String containing all usage strings, each appropriately wrapped to the terminal_width() value.


Create formatter for log output.

We offer different (more verbose) formatting when debugging is enabled, hence this need.

Parameters:verbosity – Logging level as defined by logging.
Returns:Formatter object for use with logging.
Return type:instance of colorlog.ColoredFormatter
get_input(prompt, default_value)[source]

Prompt the user to enter a string.

Auto-inputs the default_value if force is set to True.

  • prompt (str) – Message to prompt the user with
  • default_value (str) – Default value to input if the user simply hits Enter without entering a value, or if force.

Input value

Return type:


get_password(username, host)[source]

Get password string from the user.

  • username (str) – Username the password is associated with
  • host (str) – Host the password is associated with

InvalidInputError – if force is True (as there is no “default” password value)


Main worker function for COT when invoked from the CLI.

  • Calls set_verbosity() with the appropriate verbosity level derived from the args.
  • Looks up the appropriate COTGenericSubmodule instance corresponding to the subcommand that was invoked.
  • Converts args to a dict and calls set_value() for each arg/value in the dict.
  • Calls run() followed by finished().
  • Catches various exceptions and handles them appropriately.
Parameters:args – Parser namespace object returned from parse_args().
Return type:int
Returns:Exit code for the COT executable.
  • 0 on successful completion
  • 1 on runtime error
  • 2 on input error (parser error, InvalidInputError, etc.)

Parse the given CLI arguments into a namespace object.

Parameters:argv (list) – List of CLI arguments, not including argv0
Returns:Parser namespace object

Parse the given CLI args then run.

Calls parse_args() followed by main().

Parameters:argv (list) – The CLI argv value (not including argv[0])
Returns:Return code from main()

Enable logging and/or change the logging verbosity level.

Will call formatter() and associate the resulting formatter with logging.

Parameters:level – Logging level as defined by logging

The width of the terminal in columns.


Launch COT from the CLI.