Source code for COT.deploy

#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Implements "cot deploy" command
# June 2014, Kevin A. Keim
# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 the COT project developers.
# See the COPYRIGHT.txt file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# This file is part of the Common OVF Tool (COT) project.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the
# top-level directory of this distribution. No part of COT, including this
# file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except
# according to the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.

"""Module for deploying VM descriptions to a hypervisor to instantiate VMs.


.. autosummary::


import logging
import re
import shlex
import getpass

from distutils.version import StrictVersion

from .submodule import COTReadOnlySubmodule
from .helpers.ovftool import OVFTool
from COT.data_validation import InvalidInputError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class COTDeploy(COTReadOnlySubmodule): """Semi-abstract class for submodules used to deploy a VM to a hypervisor. Provides some baseline parameters and input validation that are expected to be common across all concrete subclasses. Inherited attributes: :attr:`~COTGenericSubmodule.UI`, :attr:`~COTReadOnlySubmodule.package`, Attributes: :attr:`generic_parser`, :attr:`parser`, :attr:`subparsers`, :attr:`hypervisor`, :attr:`configuration`, :attr:`username`, :attr:`password`, :attr:`power_on`, :attr:`vm_name`, :attr:`network_map` """ def __init__(self, UI): """Instantiate this submodule with the given UI.""" super(COTDeploy, self).__init__(UI) # User inputs self._hypervisor = None self._configuration = None self.username = None """Server login username.""" self.password = None """Server login password.""" self._power_on = False self.vm_name = None """Name of the created virtual machine""" self._network_map = None # Internal attributes self.generic_parser = None """Generic parser object providing args that most subclasses will use. Subclasses can call ``self.subparsers.add_parser(parents=[self.generic_parser])`` to automatically inherit this set of args """ self.subparsers = None """Subparser grouping for hypervisor-specific sub-subparsers. Subclasses should generally have their :func:`create_subparser` implementations create their sub-subparsers under :attr:`subparsers` and NOT under :attr:`parent`. """ @property def hypervisor(self): """Hypervisor to deploy to. :raise: :exc:`InvalidInputError` if not a recognized value. """ return self._hypervisor @hypervisor.setter
[docs] def hypervisor(self, value): if value != "esxi": raise InvalidInputError("'{0}' is not a supported hypervisor" .format(value)) self._hypervisor = value
@property def configuration(self): """VM configuration profile to use for deployment. :raise: :exc:`InvalidInputError` if not a profile defined in the VM. """ return self._configuration @configuration.setter
[docs] def configuration(self, value): if self.vm is not None: profiles = self.vm.config_profiles if value is not None and not (value in profiles): raise InvalidInputError( "'Configuration '{0}' is not a recognized " "profile for '{1}'.\nValid options are:\n{2}" .format(value, self.package, "\n".join(profiles))) self._configuration = value
@property def power_on(self): """Whether to automatically power on the VM after deployment.""" return self._power_on @power_on.setter
[docs] def power_on(self, value): if value is not True and value is not False: raise InvalidInputError("power_on accepts boolean values only") self._power_on = value
@property def network_map(self): """Mapping of network names to networks.""" return self._network_map @network_map.setter
[docs] def network_map(self, value): for key_value_pair in value: try: (k, v) = key_value_pair.split('=', 1) logger.debug("network_map: key {0} value {1}".format(k, v)) if k == '' or v == '': raise ValueError("message is irrelevant") # Don't store the split values for now, as ovftool actually # prefers exactly this 'key=value' format. Just validate. # TODO - check 'k' against the list of networks in the OVF? except ValueError: raise InvalidInputError("Invalid network map '{0}' - mapping " "must be in 'network=target' form." .format(key_value_pair)) self._network_map = value
[docs] def ready_to_run(self): """Check whether the module is ready to :meth:`run`. :returns: ``(True, ready_message)`` or ``(False, reason_why_not)`` """ if self.hypervisor is None: return False, "HYPERVISOR is a mandatory argument" return super(COTDeploy, self).ready_to_run()
[docs] def create_subparser(self, parent, storage): """Add subparser for the CLI of this submodule. .. note:: Unlike most submodules, this one has subparsers of its own - ``'cot deploy PACKAGE <hypervisor>'`` so subclasses of this module should call ``super().create_subparser(parent, storage)`` (to create the main 'deploy' subparser if it doesn't already exist) then call ``self.subparsers.add_parser()`` to add their own sub-subparser. :param object parent: Subparser grouping object returned by :func:`ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` :param dict storage: Dict of { 'label': subparser } to be updated with subparser(s) created, if any. """ import argparse if storage.get('deploy', None) is None: # Create 'cot deploy' parser p = parent.add_parser( 'deploy', usage=self.UI.fill_usage("deploy", [ "PACKAGE esxi ...", ]), help="Create a new VM on the target hypervisor from the " "given OVF or OVA", description="Deploy an OVF or OVA to create a virtual machine " "on a specified server.") p.add_argument('PACKAGE', help="OVF descriptor or OVA file") self.subparsers = p.add_subparsers( prog="cot deploy", dest='HYPERVISOR', metavar='<hypervisor>', title="hypervisors") p.set_defaults(instance=self) storage['deploy'] = p else: # Unfortunately argparse doesn't readily expose the subparsers of # an existing parser. The below should be considered experimental! self.subparsers = next(action for action in storage['deploy']._actions if type(action).name == '_SubParsersAction') # Create a generic parser with arguments to be shared by all self.generic_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) self.generic_parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', help="Server login username") self.generic_parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', help="Server login password") self.generic_parser.add_argument( '-c', '--configuration', help="Use the specified configuration profile defined in the OVF. " "If unspecified and the OVF has multiple profiles, the user will " "be prompted or the default configuration will be used.") self.generic_parser.add_argument( '-n', '--vm-name', help="Name to use for the VM (if applicable) and any files " "created. If unspecified, the name of the OVF will be used.") self.generic_parser.add_argument( '-P', '--power-on', action='store_true', help="Power on the created VM to begin booting immediately.") self.generic_parser.add_argument( '-N', '--network-map', action='append', nargs='+', metavar=('OVF_NET1=HOST_NET1', 'OVF_NET2=HOST_NET2'), help="Map networks named in the OVF to networks (bridges, " "vSwitches, etc.) in the hypervisor environment. This argument " "may be repeated as needed to specify multiple mappings.")
[docs]class COTDeployESXi(COTDeploy): """Submodule for deploying VMs on ESXi and VMware vCenter/vSphere. Inherited attributes: :attr:`~COTGenericSubmodule.UI`, :attr:`~COTReadOnlySubmodule.package`, :attr:`generic_parser`, :attr:`parser`, :attr:`subparsers`, :attr:`hypervisor`, :attr:`configuration`, :attr:`username`, :attr:`password`, :attr:`power_on`, :attr:`vm_name`, :attr:`network_map` Attributes: :attr:`locator`, :attr:`datastore`, :attr:`ovftool_args` """ def __init__(self, UI): """Instantiate this submodule with the given UI.""" super(COTDeployESXi, self).__init__(UI) self.locator = None """vSphere target locator.""" self.datastore = None """ESXi datastore to deploy to.""" self._ovftool_args = [] self.ovftool = OVFTool() @property def ovftool_args(self): """List of CLI arguments to pass through to ``ovftool``.""" return list(self._ovftool_args) @ovftool_args.setter
[docs] def ovftool_args(self, value): # Use shlex to split ovftool_args but respect quoted whitespace self._ovftool_args = shlex.split(value) logger.debug("ovftool_args split to: {0}" .format(self._ovftool_args))
[docs] def ready_to_run(self): """Check whether the module is ready to :meth:`run`. :returns: ``(True, ready_message)`` or ``(False, reason_why_not)`` """ if self.locator is None: return False, "LOCATOR is a mandatory argument" return super(COTDeployESXi, self).ready_to_run()
[docs] def run(self): """Do the actual work of this submodule - deploying to ESXi. :raises InvalidInputError: if :func:`ready_to_run` reports ``False`` """ super(COTDeployESXi, self).run() # ensure user provided proper credentials server = self.locator.split("/")[0] if self.username is None: self.username = getpass.getuser() if self.password is None: self.password = self.UI.get_password(self.username, server) target = ("vi://" + self.username + ":" + self.password + "@" + self.locator) ovftool_args = self.ovftool_args configuration = self.configuration vm = self.vm # If locator is a vCenter locator "<vCenter>/datacenter/host/<host>" # then environment properties will always be used. # Otherwise we may need to help and/or warn the user: if vm.environment_properties and not"/host/", self.locator): if self.ovftool.version < StrictVersion("4.0.0"): self.UI.confirm_or_die( "When deploying an OVF directly to a vSphere target " "using ovftool prior to version 4.0.0, any OVF " "environment properties will not be made available " "to the new guest.\n" "If your guest needs environment properties, please " "either specify a vCenter target locator (such as " "'<vCenter>/<datacenter>/host/<host>') " "or upgrade to ovftool 4.0.0 or later.\n" "Continue deployment without OVF environment?") logger.warning("deploying directly to vSphere and ovftool " "version is too low to add injectOvfEnv " "option. OVF environment properties will " "be ignored.") elif not self.power_on: self.UI.confirm_or_die( "When deploying an OVF directly to a vSphere target, " "OVF environment properties can only be made available to " "the new guest if the guest is to be powered on " "immediately.\n" "If your guest needs environment properties, please " "either specify the '--power-on'/'-P' option or provide " "a vCenter target locator (such as " "'<vCenter>/<datacenter>/host/<host>') " "instead of a vSphere target.\n" "Continue deployment without OVF environment?") logger.warning("deploying directly to vSphere but " "--power-on is not requested. OVF " "environment properties will be ignored.") else: logger.debug("Since ovftool version is sufficient and user " "requested --power-on, adding ovftool args to " "ensure passthru of OVF environment to guest.") ovftool_args.append("--X:injectOvfEnv") # ensure configuration was specified # will use ovf tool --deploymentOption # if not specified and force not specified prompt for selection profile_list = vm.config_profiles if profile_list and configuration is None: if len(profile_list) == 1: # No need to prompt the user configuration = profile_list[0] logger.debug("Auto-selected only profile '{0}'" .format(configuration)) else: header, profile_info_list = vm.profile_info_list( self.UI.terminal_width - 1) # Correct for the indentation of the list: header = "\n".join([" " + h for h in header.split("\n")]) configuration = self.UI.choose_from_list( header=header, option_list=profile_list, info_list=profile_info_list, footer="Enter configuration name or number", default_value=self.vm.default_config_profile) if configuration is not None: ovftool_args.append("--deploymentOption=" + configuration) # Get the number of serial ports in the OVA. # ovftool does not create serial ports when deploying to a VM, # so we'll have to fix this up manually later. serial_count = vm.get_serial_count([configuration]) serial_count = serial_count[configuration] # pass network settings on to ovftool if self.network_map is not None: for nm in self.network_map: ovftool_args.append("--net:" + nm) # check if user entered a name for the VM if self.vm_name is not None: ovftool_args.append("--name=" + self.vm_name) # tell ovftool to power on the VM # TODO - if serial port fixup (below) is implemented, # do not power on VM until after serial ports are added. if self.power_on: ovftool_args.append("--powerOn") # specify target datastore if self.datastore is not None: ovftool_args.append("--datastore=" + self.datastore) # add package and target to the list ovftool_args.append(self.package) ovftool_args.append(target) logger.debug("Final args to pass to OVFtool: {0}".format(ovftool_args))"Deploying VM...") self.ovftool.call_helper(ovftool_args, capture_output=False) # Post-fix of serial ports (ovftool will not implement) if serial_count > 0: # TODO - fixup not implemented yet # add serial ports as requested # power on VM if power_on logger.warning( "Package '{0}' contains {1} serial ports, but ovftool " "ignores serial port declarations. If these ports are " "needed, you must add them manually to the new VM." .format(self.package, serial_count))
[docs] def create_subparser(self, parent, storage): """Add subparser for the CLI of this submodule. This will create the shared :attr:`~COTDeploy.parser` under :attr:`parent`, then create our own sub-subparser under :attr:`~COTDeploy.subparsers`. :param object parent: Subparser grouping object returned by :func:`ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` :param dict storage: Dict of { 'label': subparser } to be updated with subparser(s) created, if any. """ super(COTDeployESXi, self).create_subparser(parent, storage) import argparse # Create 'cot deploy ... esxi' parser p = self.subparsers.add_parser( 'esxi', parents=[self.generic_parser], usage=self.UI.fill_usage("deploy PACKAGE esxi", [ "LOCATOR [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-c CONFIGURATION] " "[-n VM_NAME] [-P] [-N OVF1=HOST1 [-N OVF2=HOST2 ...]] " "[-d DATASTORE] [-o=OVFTOOL_ARGS]", ]), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="Deploy to ESXi, vSphere, or vCenter", description="Deploy OVF/OVA to ESXi/vCenter/vSphere hypervisor", epilog=self.UI.fill_examples([ ("Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server with credentials" " admin/admin, creating a VM named 'test_vm' from foo.ova.", 'cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -p admin' ' -n test_vm'), ("Deploy to vSphere/ESXi server, with username" " admin (prompting the user to input a password at runtime)," " creating a VM based on profile '1CPU-2.5GB' in foo.ova.", 'cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -c 1CPU-2.5GB'), ("Deploy to vSphere server which belongs to" " datacenter 'mydc' on vCenter server, and map" " the two NIC networks to vSwitches. Note that in this case" " -u specifies the vCenter login username.", 'cot deploy foo.ova esxi ""' ' -u administrator -N "GigabitEthernet1=VM Network"' ' -N "GigabitEthernet2=myvswitch"'), ("Deploy with passthrough arguments to ovftool.", 'cot deploy foo.ova esxi -u admin -p password' ' --ovftool-args="--overwrite --acceptAllEulas"') ])) # ovftool uses '-ds' as shorthand for '--datastore', so let's allow it. p.add_argument("-d", "-ds", "--datastore", help="ESXi datastore to use for the new VM") p.add_argument("-o", "--ovftool-args", help="Quoted string describing additional CLI " """parameters to pass through to "ovftool". Examples:""" """ -o="--foo", --ovftool-args="--foo --bar" """) p.add_argument("LOCATOR", help="vSphere target locator. Examples: " '"" (deploy directly to ESXi server), ' '"" ' '(deploy via vCenter server)') p.set_defaults(instance=self) storage['deploy-esxi'] = p