Getting CLI helpΒΆ

You can always get detailed help for COT by running cot --help, cot <command> --help, or cot help <command>.

> cot --help
  cot --help
  cot --version
  cot help <command>
  cot <command> --help
  cot <options> <command> <command-options>

Common OVF Tool (COT), version 1.2.1
Copyright (C) 2013-2015 the COT project developers.
A tool for editing Open Virtualization Format (.ovf, .ova) virtual
appliances, with a focus on virtualized network appliances such as the
Cisco CSR 1000V and Cisco IOS XRv platforms.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -V, --version     show program's version number and exit
  -f, --force       Perform requested actions without prompting for
  -q, --quiet       Quiet output and logging (warnings and errors only)
  -v, --verbose     Verbose output and logging
  -vv, -d, --debug  Debug (most verbose) output and logging

    add-disk        Add a disk image to an OVF package and map it as a
                    disk in the guest environment
    add-file        Add a file to an OVF package
    deploy          Create a new VM on the target hypervisor from the
                    given OVF
    edit-hardware   Edit virtual machine hardware properties of an OVF
    edit-product    Edit product info in an OVF
                    Edit environment properties of an OVF
    info            Generate a description of an OVF package
    inject-config   Inject a configuration file into an OVF package
    help            Print help for a command

Note: some subcommands rely on external software tools, including:
* qemu-img (
* mkisofs  (
* ovftool  (
* fatdisk  (
* vmdktool (