Source code for COT.helper_tools

#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Module to abstract away operations that require third-party
#                   helper software not part of a standard Python distro.
# April 2014, Glenn F. Matthews
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 the COT project developers.
# See the COPYRIGHT.txt file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# and at
# This file is part of the Common OVF Tool (COT) project.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the
# top-level directory of this distribution and at
# No part
# of COT, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or
# distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.

"""Third-party helper tools.

Abstracts away operations that require third-party helper programs,
especially those that are not available through PyPI.


.. autosummary::



.. autosummary::


import hashlib
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from distutils.spawn import find_executable

from verboselogs import VerboseLogger

from .data_validation import ValueUnsupportedError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class HelperNotFoundError(OSError): """A helper program cannot be located."""
[docs]class HelperError(EnvironmentError): """A helper program exited with non-zero return code."""
[docs]def check_call(args, require_success=True): """Wrapper for :func:`subprocess.check_call`. Unlike :func:`check_output` below, this does not redirect stdout/stderr; all output from the subprocess will be sent to stdout/stderr as normal. :param list args: Command to invoke and its associated args :param boolean require_success: If ``False``, do not raise an error when the command exits with a return code other than 0 :raise HelperNotFoundError: if the command doesn't exist (instead of a :class:`OSError`) :raise HelperError: if the command returns a value other than 0 and :attr:`require_success` is not ``False`` """ cmd = args[0] logger.verbose("Calling '{0}'".format(" ".join(args))) try: subprocess.check_call(args) except OSError as e: raise HelperNotFoundError(e.errno, "Unable to locate helper program '{0}'. " "Please check your $PATH.".format(cmd)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if require_success: raise HelperError(e.returncode, "Helper program '{0}' exited with error {1}" .format(cmd, e.returncode)) logger.debug("{0} exited successfully".format(cmd))
[docs]def check_output(args, require_success=True): """Wrapper for :func:`subprocess.check_output`. Automatically redirects stderr to stdout, captures both to a buffer, and generates a debug message with the stdout contents. :param list args: Command to invoke and its associated args :param boolean require_success: If ``False``, do not raise an error when the command exits with a return code other than 0 :return: Captured stdout/stderr from the command :raise HelperNotFoundError: if the command doesn't exist (instead of a :class:`OSError`) :raise HelperError: if the command returns a value other than 0 and :attr:`require_success` is not ``False`` """ cmd = args[0] logger.verbose("Calling '{0}'".format(" ".join(args))) # In 2.7+ we can use subprocess.check_output(), but in 2.6, # we have to work around its absence. try: if "check_output" not in dir(subprocess): process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout, _ = process.communicate() retcode = process.poll() if retcode and require_success: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, " ".join(args)) else: stdout = (subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) .decode()) except OSError as e: raise HelperNotFoundError(e.errno, "Unable to locate helper program '{0}'. " "Please check your $PATH.".format(cmd)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: try: stdout = e.output.decode() except AttributeError: # CalledProcessError doesn't have 'output' in 2.6 stdout = "(output unavailable)" if require_success: raise HelperError(e.returncode, "Helper program '{0}' exited with error {1}:\n" "> {2}\n{3}".format(cmd, e.returncode, " ".join(args), stdout)) logger.verbose("{0} output:\n{1}".format(cmd, stdout)) return stdout
[docs]def get_checksum(file_path, checksum_type): """Get the checksum of the given file. :param str file_path: Path to file to checksum :param str checksum_type: Supported values are 'md5' and 'sha1'. :return: String containing hexadecimal file checksum """ if checksum_type == 'md5': h = hashlib.md5() elif checksum_type == 'sha1': h = hashlib.sha1() else: raise ValueUnsupportedError("checksum type", checksum_type, "'md5' or 'sha1'") BLOCKSIZE = 65536 with open(file_path, 'rb') as file_obj: while True: buf = if len(buf) == 0: break h.update(buf) return h.hexdigest()
[docs]def get_qemu_img_version(): """Get installed ``qemu-img`` version as a :class:`StrictVersion` object. :return: :class:`StrictVersion` instance :raise HelperNotFoundError: if ``qemu-img`` is not found. """ global QEMU_IMG_VERSION if QEMU_IMG_VERSION is None: logger.debug("Checking QEMU version") # Older versions of qemu-img don't support --version, # and will exit with code 1, but will still output the # necessary version information. qemu_stdout = check_output(['qemu-img', '--version'], require_success=False) match ="qemu-img version ([0-9.]+)", qemu_stdout) if not match: raise RuntimeError("Did not find version number in the output " "from qemu-img:\n{0}" .format(qemu_stdout)) QEMU_IMG_VERSION = StrictVersion( logger.debug("qemu-img version is '{0}'".format(QEMU_IMG_VERSION)) return QEMU_IMG_VERSION
[docs]def get_disk_format(file_path): """Get the disk image format of the given file. .. warning:: If :attr:`file_path` refers to a file which is not a disk image at all, this function will return ``('raw', None)``. :param str file_path: Path to disk image file to inspect. :return: ``(format, subformat)`` * ``format`` may be ``'vmdk'``, ``'raw'``, or ``'qcow2'`` * ``subformat`` may be ``None``, or various strings for ``'vmdk'`` files. """ logger.debug("Invoking qemu-img to determine disk format of {0}" .format(file_path)) qemu_stdout = check_output(['qemu-img', 'info', file_path]) # Read the format from the output match ="file format: (\S*)", qemu_stdout) if not match: raise RuntimeError("Did not find file format string in " "the output from qemu-img:\n{0}" .format(qemu_stdout)) file_format ="File format of '{0}' is '{1}'" .format(os.path.basename(file_path), file_format)) if file_format == 'vmdk': # Look at the VMDK file header to determine the sub-format with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: # The header contains a fun mix of binary and ASCII, so ignore # any errors in decoding binary data to strings header ='ascii', 'ignore') # Detect the VMDK format from the output: match ='createType="(.*)"', header) if not match: raise RuntimeError("Could not find VMDK 'createType' in the " "file header:\n{0}".format(header)) vmdk_format ="VMDK sub-format is '{0}'".format(vmdk_format)) return (file_format, vmdk_format) else: # No known/applicable sub-format return (file_format, None)
[docs]def get_disk_capacity(file_path): """Get the storage capacity of the given disk image. :param str file_path: Path to disk image file to inspect :return: Disk capacity, in bytes """ qemu_stdout = check_output(['qemu-img', 'info', file_path]) match ="(\d+) bytes", qemu_stdout) if not match: raise RuntimeError("Did not find byte count in the output from " "qemu-img:\n{0}" .format(qemu_stdout)) capacity = logger.verbose("Disk {0} capacity is {1} bytes".format(file_path, capacity)) return capacity
[docs]def convert_disk_image(file_path, output_dir, new_format, new_subformat=None): """Convert the given disk image to the requested format/subformat. If the disk is already in this format then it is unchanged; otherwise, will convert to a new disk in the specified output_dir and return its path. Current supported conversions: * .vmdk (any format) to .vmdk (streamOptimized) * .img to .vmdk (streamOptimized) :param str file_path: Disk image file to inspect/convert :param str output_dir: Directory to place converted image into, if needed :param str new_format: Desired final format :param str new_subformat: Desired final subformat :return: * :attr:`file_path`, if no conversion was required * or a file path in :attr:`output_dir` containing the converted image :raise ValueUnsupportedError: if the :attr:`new_format` and/or :attr:`new_subformat` are not supported conversion targets. """ curr_format, curr_subformat = get_disk_format(file_path) if curr_format == new_format and curr_subformat == new_subformat:"Disk image {0} is already in '{1}' format - " "no conversion required." .format(file_path, (new_format if not new_subformat else (new_format + "," + new_subformat)))) return file_path file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) (file_string, file_extension) = os.path.splitext(file_name) new_file_path = None # any temporary file we should delete before returning temp_path = None if new_format == 'vmdk' and new_subformat == 'streamOptimized': new_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, file_string + '.vmdk') if get_qemu_img_version() >= StrictVersion("2.1.0"): # qemu-img finally supports streamOptimized - yay!"Invoking qemu-img to convert {0} to " "streamOptimized VMDK {1}" .format(file_path, new_file_path)) check_output(['qemu-img', 'convert', '-O', 'vmdk', '-o', 'subformat=streamOptimized', file_path, new_file_path]) else: # Older versions of qemu-img don't support streamOptimized VMDKs, # so we have to use qemu-img + vmdktool to get the desired result. # We have to pass through raw format on the way, even if the # existing image is a non-streamOptimized vmdk. if curr_format != 'raw': # Use qemu-img to convert to raw format temp_path = os.path.join(output_dir, file_string + '.img')"Invoking qemu-img to convert {0} to RAW {1}" .format(file_path, temp_path)) check_output(['qemu-img', 'convert', '-O', 'raw', file_path, temp_path]) file_path = temp_path # Use vmdktool to convert raw image to stream-optimized VMDK"Invoking vmdktool to convert {0} to " "stream-optimized VMDK {1}" .format(file_path, new_file_path)) # Note that vmdktool takes its arguments in unusual order - # output file comes before input file check_output(['vmdktool', '-z9', '-v', new_file_path, file_path]) else: raise ValueUnsupportedError("new file format/subformat", (new_format, new_subformat), "(vmdk,streamOptimized)")"Successfully converted from ({0},{1}) to ({2},{3})" .format(curr_format, curr_subformat, new_format, new_subformat)) if temp_path is not None: os.remove(temp_path) return new_file_path
[docs]def create_disk_image(file_path, file_format=None, capacity=None, contents=[]): """Create a new disk image at the requested location. Either :attr:`capacity` or :attr:`contents` or both must be specified. :param str file_path: Desired location of new disk image :param str file_format: Desired image format (if not specified, this will be derived from the file extension of :attr:`file_path`) :param capacity: TODO what's the expected format? :param list contents: List of file paths to package into the created image. If not specified, the image will be left blank and unformatted. """ if not capacity and not contents: raise RuntimeError("Either capacity or contents must be specified!") if not file_format: # Guess format from file extension file_format = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1][1:] if not file_format: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to guess file format from desired filename {0}" .format(file_path)) if file_format == 'img': file_format = 'raw' logger.debug("Guessed file format is {0}".format(file_format)) if not contents: check_output(['qemu-img', 'create', '-f', file_format, file_path, capacity]) return True if file_format == 'iso': # mkisofs and genisoimage take the same parameters, conveniently exec_path = find_executable('mkisofs') if not exec_path: exec_path = find_executable('genisoimage') if not exec_path: raise HelperNotFoundError(1, "Unable to locate helper programs " "'mkisofs' or 'genisoimage'. " "Please check your $PATH.") mkisofs_args = [exec_path, '-output', file_path, '-full-iso9660-filenames', '-iso-level', '2'] + contents check_output(mkisofs_args) elif file_format == 'raw' or file_format == 'img': # Create a blank disk and format it to FAT32 if not capacity: # What size disk do we need to contain the requested file(s)? capacity = 0 for content_file in contents: capacity += os.path.getsize(content_file) # Round capacity to the next larger multiple of 8 MB # just to be safe... capacity = "{0}M".format(((capacity/1024/1024/8) + 1)*8) "To contain files {0}, disk capacity of {1} will be {2}" .format(contents, file_path, capacity)) # TODO - if fatdisk not available, use qemu-img and guestfish? fatdisk_args = ['fatdisk', file_path, 'format', 'size', capacity, 'fat32', # TODO make user-configurable? ] check_output(fatdisk_args) # Upload files to the root of the disk for content_file in contents: fatdisk_args = ['fatdisk', file_path, 'fileadd', content_file, os.path.basename(content_file)] check_output(fatdisk_args) else: raise ValueUnsupportedError("new disk file format", file_format, "'iso' or 'raw' or 'img'") return True
[docs]def get_ovftool_version(): """Get installed ``ovftool`` version as a :class:`StrictVersion` object. :return: :class:`StrictVersion` instance :raise HelperNotFoundError: if ``ovftool`` is not found. """ global OVFTOOL_VERSION if OVFTOOL_VERSION is None: logger.debug("Checking ovftool version") stdout = check_output(['ovftool', '--version']) match ="VMware ovftool ([0-9.]+)", stdout) if not match: raise RuntimeError("Did not find version number in the output " "from ovftool:\n{0}".format(stdout)) OVFTOOL_VERSION = StrictVersion("ovftool version is '{0}'".format(OVFTOOL_VERSION)) return OVFTOOL_VERSION
[docs]def validate_ovf_for_esxi(ovf_file): """Use VMware's ``ovftool`` program to validate an OVF or OVA. This checks the file against the OVF standard and any VMware-specific requirements. :param str ovf_file: File to validate :return: Output from ``ovftool`` :raise HelperNotFoundError: if ``ovftool`` is not found. :raise HelperError: if ``ovftool`` regards the file as invalid """ check_output(['ovftool', '--schemaValidate', ovf_file])