COT.platforms.platform module

API and generic implementation of platform-specific logic.

class Hardware[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration of hardware types that have integer quantities.

cpus = 1
memory = 2
nic_count = 3
serial_count = 4
class Platform[source]

Bases: object

Generic class for operations that depend on guest platform.

To be used whenever the guest is unrecognized or does not need special handling.


Create an instance of this class.


Get the default controller type for the given device type.

Parameters:device_type (str) -- 'harddisk', 'cdrom', etc.
Returns:str -- 'ide' unless overridden by subclass.
classmethod for_product_string(product_string)[source]

Get the class of Platform corresponding to a product string.

Parameters:product_string (str) -- String such as ''
Returns:Platform -- Instance of Platform or the appropriate subclass.


>>> Platform.for_product_string("")
<class 'COT.platforms.cisco_nexus_9000v.Nexus9000v'>
>>> Platform.for_product_string(None)
<class 'COT.platforms.platform.Platform'>
>>> Platform.for_product_string("frobozz")
<class 'COT.platforms.platform.Platform'>

Guess the name of the Nth NIC for this platform.


This method counts from 1, not from 0!

Parameters:nic_number (int) -- Nth NIC to name.
Returns:str -- "Ethernet1", "Ethernet2", etc. unless overridden by subclass.

Throw an error if the number of CPUs is not a supported value.


cpus (int) -- Number of CPUs

  • ValueTooLowError -- if cpus is less than the minimum required by this platform
  • ValueTooHighError -- if cpus exceeds the maximum supported by this platform

Throw an error if the amount of RAM is not supported.


mebibytes (int) -- RAM, in MiB.

ValueTooLowError -- if mebibytes is less than the minimum

required by this platform

ValueTooHighError: if mebibytes is more than the maximum

supported by this platform


Throw an error if the number of NICs is not supported.


count (int) -- Number of NICs.

  • ValueTooLowError -- if count is less than the minimum required by this platform
  • ValueTooHighError -- if count is more than the maximum supported by this platform

Throw an error if the NIC type string is not supported.

Parameters:type_string (str) -- See COT.data_validation.NIC_TYPES
Raises:ValueUnsupportedError -- if type_string is not in SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES

Throw an error if any NIC type string in the list is unsupported.

Parameters:type_list (list) -- See COT.data_validation.NIC_TYPES
Raises:ValueUnsupportedError -- if any value in type_list is not in SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES

Throw an error if the number of serial ports is not supported.


count (int) -- Number of serial ports.

  • ValueTooLowError -- if count is less than the minimum required by this platform
  • ValueTooHighError -- if count is more than the maximum supported by this platform

Type of disk (cdrom/harddisk) to use for bootstrap configuration.

Most platforms use a CD-ROM for this purpose.

CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = 'config.txt'

When embedding a primary configuration text file, use this filename.

See also


HARDWARE_LIMITS = {<Hardware.nic_count: 3>: ValidRange(minimum=0, maximum=None), <Hardware.serial_count: 4>: ValidRange(minimum=0, maximum=None), <Hardware.cpus: 1>: ValidRange(minimum=1, maximum=None), <Hardware.memory: 2>: ValidRange(minimum=1, maximum=None)}

Range of valid values for various hardware properties.


Key prefix for converting text config to OVF environment properties.

Most platforms do not support configuration properties in the environment, and so should define this attribute to None.

PLATFORM_NAME = '(unrecognized platform, generic)'

String used as a descriptive label for this class of Platform.

PRODUCT_PLATFORM_MAP = {'': <class 'COT.platforms.cisco_iosxrv_9000.IOSXRv9000'>, '': <class 'COT.platforms.cisco_iosxrv_9000.IOSXRv9000'>, None: <class 'COT.platforms.platform.Platform'>, '': <class 'COT.platforms.cisco_iosv.IOSv'>, '': <class 'COT.platforms.cisco_nxosv.NXOSv'>, '': <class 'COT.platforms.cisco_iosxrv.IOSXRvRP'>, '': <class 'COT.platforms.cisco_iosxrv.IOSXRv'>, '': <class 'COT.platforms.cisco_csr1000v.CSR1000V'>, '': <class 'COT.platforms.cisco_nexus_9000v.Nexus9000v'>, '': <class 'COT.platforms.cisco_iosxrv.IOSXRvLC'>}

Mapping of product strings to product classes.


When embedding a secondary configuration text file, use this filename.

Most platforms do not support a secondary configuration file.

See also


SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES = ['E1000e', 'E1000', 'PCNet32', 'virtio', 'VMXNET3']

List of NIC device types supported by this platform.