COT.platforms package reference

Package for identifying guest platforms and handling platform differences.

The Platform class describes the API and provides a generic implementation that can be overridden by subclasses to provide platform-specific logic.

In general, other modules should not access subclasses directly but should instead use the for_product_string() API to derive the appropriate subclass object.


Platform Generic class for operations that depend on guest platform.

Platform modules

COT.platforms.platform API and generic implementation of platform-specific logic.
COT.platforms.cisco_csr1000v Platform logic for the Cisco CSR1000V virtual router.
COT.platforms.cisco_iosv Platform logic for the Cisco IOSv virtual router.
COT.platforms.cisco_iosxrv Platform logic for the Cisco IOS XRv virtual router and its variants.
COT.platforms.cisco_iosxrv_9000 Platform logic for the Cisco IOS XRv 9000 virtual router.
COT.platforms.cisco_nexus_9000v Platform logic for the Cisco Nexus 9000v virtual switch.
COT.platforms.cisco_nxosv Platform logic for the Cisco NX-OSv virtual switch.