Source code for COT.platforms

#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Module for methods related to variations between
#                guest platforms (Cisco CSR1000V, Cisco IOS XRv, etc.)
# October 2013, Glenn F. Matthews
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 the COT project developers.
# See the COPYRIGHT.txt file at the top-level directory of this distribution
# and at
# This file is part of the Common OVF Tool (COT) project.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the
# top-level directory of this distribution and at
# No part
# of COT, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or
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"""Handles behavior that varies between guest platforms.


.. autosummary::


from .data_validation import ValueUnsupportedError
from .data_validation import ValueTooLowError, ValueTooHighError
from .data_validation import NIC_TYPES
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GenericPlatform(object): """Generic class for operations that depend on guest platform. To be used whenever the guest is unrecognized or does not need special handling. """ PLATFORM_NAME = "(unrecognized platform, generic)" # Default file name for text configuration file to embed CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = 'config.txt' # Most platforms do not support a secondary configuration file SECONDARY_CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = None # Most platforms do not support configuration properties in the environment LITERAL_CLI_STRING = 'config' # Most platforms use a CD-ROM for bootstrap configuration BOOTSTRAP_DISK_TYPE = 'cdrom' SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES = NIC_TYPES @classmethod
[docs] def controller_type_for_device(cls, device_type): """Get the default controller type for the given device type.""" # For most platforms IDE is the correct default. return 'ide'
[docs] def guess_nic_name(cls, nic_number): """Guess the name of the Nth NIC for this platform. .. note:: This method counts from 1, not from 0! """ return ("Ethernet" + str(nic_number))
[docs] def validate_cpu_count(cls, cpus): """Throw an error if the number of CPUs is not a supported value.""" if cpus < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("CPUs", cpus, 1)
[docs] def validate_memory_amount(cls, megabytes): """Throw an error if the amount of RAM is not supported.""" if megabytes < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("RAM", megabytes, 1)
[docs] def validate_nic_count(cls, count): """Throw an error if the number of NICs is not supported.""" if count < 0: raise ValueTooLowError("NIC count", count, 0)
[docs] def validate_nic_type(cls, type_string): """Throw an error if the NIC type string is not supported. .. seealso:: - :func:`COT.data_validation.canonicalize_nic_subtype` - :data:`COT.data_validation.NIC_TYPES` """ if type_string not in cls.SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES: raise ValueUnsupportedError("NIC type", type_string, cls.SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES)
[docs] def validate_nic_types(cls, type_list): """Throw an error if any NIC type string in the list is unsupported.""" for type_string in type_list: cls.validate_nic_type(type_string)
[docs] def validate_serial_count(cls, count): """Throw an error if the number of serial ports is not supported.""" if count < 0: raise ValueTooLowError("serial port count", count, 0)
[docs]class IOSXRv(GenericPlatform): """Platform-specific logic for Cisco IOS XRv platform.""" PLATFORM_NAME = "Cisco IOS XRv" CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = 'iosxr_config.txt' SECONDARY_CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = 'iosxr_config_admin.txt' LITERAL_CLI_STRING = None SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES = ["E1000", "virtio"] @classmethod
[docs] def guess_nic_name(cls, nic_number): """MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0, GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0, Gig0/0/0/1, etc.""" if nic_number == 1: return "MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0" else: return ("GigabitEthernet0/0/0/" + str(nic_number - 2))
[docs] def validate_cpu_count(cls, cpus): """IOS XRv supports 1-8 CPUs.""" if cpus < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("CPUs", cpus, 1) elif cpus > 8: raise ValueTooHighError("CPUs", cpus, 8)
[docs] def validate_memory_amount(cls, megabytes): """Minimum 3 GB, max 8 GB of RAM.""" if megabytes < 3072: raise ValueTooLowError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "3GB") elif megabytes > 8192: raise ValueTooHighError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "8GB")
[docs] def validate_nic_count(cls, count): """IOS XRv requires at least one NIC.""" if count < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("NIC count", count, 1)
[docs] def validate_serial_count(cls, count): """IOS XRv supports 1-4 serial ports.""" if count < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("serial ports", count, 1) elif count > 4: raise ValueTooHighError("serial ports", count, 4)
[docs]class IOSXRvRP(IOSXRv): """Platform-specific logic for Cisco IOS XRv HA-capable RP.""" PLATFORM_NAME = "Cisco IOS XRv route processor card" @classmethod
[docs] def guess_nic_name(cls, nic_number): """Fabric and management only. * fabric * MgmtEth0/{SLOT}/CPU0/0 """ if nic_number == 1: return "fabric" else: return ("MgmtEth0/{SLOT}/CPU0/" + str(nic_number - 2))
[docs] def validate_nic_count(cls, count): """Fabric plus an optional management NIC.""" if count < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("NIC count", count, 1) if count > 2: raise ValueTooHighError("NIC count", count, 2)
[docs]class IOSXRvLC(IOSXRv): """Platform-specific logic for Cisco IOS XRv line card.""" PLATFORM_NAME = "Cisco IOS XRv line card" # No bootstrap config for LCs - they inherit from the RP CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = None SECONDARY_CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = None @classmethod
[docs] def guess_nic_name(cls, nic_number): """Fabric interface plus slot-appropriate GigabitEthernet interfaces. * fabric * GigabitEthernet0/{SLOT}/0/0 * GigabitEthernet0/{SLOT}/0/1 * etc. """ if nic_number == 1: return "fabric" else: return ("GigabitEthernet0/{SLOT}/0/" + str(nic_number - 2))
[docs] def validate_serial_count(cls, count): """No serial ports are needed but up to 4 can be used for debugging.""" if count > 4: raise ValueTooHighError("serial ports", count, 4)
class IOSXRv9000(IOSXRv): """Platform-specific logic for Cisco IOS XRv 9000 platform.""" PLATFORM_NAME = "Cisco IOS XRv 9000" SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES = ["E1000", "virtio", "VMXNET3"] @classmethod def guess_nic_name(cls, nic_number): """MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0, CtrlEth, DevEth, GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0, etc.""" if nic_number == 1: return "MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0" elif nic_number == 2: return "CtrlEth" elif nic_number == 3: return "DevEth" else: return ("GigabitEthernet0/0/0/" + str(nic_number - 4)) @classmethod def validate_cpu_count(cls, cpus): """Minimum 1, maximum 32 CPUs.""" if cpus < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("CPUs", cpus, 1) elif cpus > 32: raise ValueTooHighError("CPUs", cpus, 32) @classmethod def validate_memory_amount(cls, megabytes): """Minimum 8 GB, maximum 32 GB.""" if megabytes < 8192: raise ValueTooLowError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "8GB") elif megabytes > 32768: raise ValueTooHighError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "32GB") @classmethod def validate_nic_count(cls, count): """IOS XRv 9000 requires at least 4 NICs.""" if count < 4: raise ValueTooLowError("NIC count", count, 4)
[docs]class CSR1000V(GenericPlatform): """Platform-specific logic for Cisco CSR1000V platform.""" PLATFORM_NAME = "Cisco CSR1000V" CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = 'iosxe_config.txt' LITERAL_CLI_STRING = 'ios-config' # CSR1000v doesn't 'officially' support E1000, but it mostly works SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES = ["E1000", "virtio", "VMXNET3"] @classmethod
[docs] def controller_type_for_device(cls, device_type): """CSR1000V uses SCSI for hard disks and IDE for CD-ROMs.""" if device_type == 'harddisk': return 'scsi' elif device_type == 'cdrom': return 'ide' else: return super(CSR1000V, cls).controller_type_for_device(device_type)
[docs] def guess_nic_name(cls, nic_number): """GigabitEthernet1, GigabitEthernet2, etc. .. warning:: In all current CSR releases, NIC names start at "GigabitEthernet1". Some early versions started at "GigabitEthernet0" but we don't support that. """ return ("GigabitEthernet" + str(nic_number))
[docs] def validate_cpu_count(cls, cpus): """CSR1000V supports 1, 2, or 4 CPUs.""" if cpus < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("CPUs", cpus, 1) elif cpus > 4: raise ValueTooHighError("CPUs", cpus, 4) elif cpus != 1 and cpus != 2 and cpus != 4: raise ValueUnsupportedError("CPUs", cpus, [1, 2, 4])
[docs] def validate_memory_amount(cls, megabytes): """Minimum 2.5 GB, max 8 GB.""" if megabytes < 2560: raise ValueTooLowError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "2.5GB") elif megabytes > 8192: raise ValueTooHighError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "8GB")
[docs] def validate_nic_count(cls, count): """CSR1000V requires 3 NICs and supports up to 26.""" if count < 3: raise ValueTooLowError("NICs", count, 3) elif count > 26: raise ValueTooHighError("NICs", count, 26)
[docs] def validate_serial_count(cls, count): """CSR1000V supports 0-2 serial ports.""" if count < 0: raise ValueTooLowError("serial ports", count, 0) elif count > 2: raise ValueTooHighError("serial ports", count, 2)
[docs]class IOSv(GenericPlatform): """Platform-specific logic for Cisco IOSv.""" PLATFORM_NAME = "Cisco IOSv" CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = 'ios_config.txt' LITERAL_CLI_STRING = None # IOSv has no CD-ROM driver so bootstrap configs must be provided on disk. BOOTSTRAP_DISK_TYPE = 'harddisk' SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES = ["E1000"] @classmethod
[docs] def guess_nic_name(cls, nic_number): """GigabitEthernet0/0, GigabitEthernet0/1, etc.""" return ("GigabitEthernet0/" + str(nic_number - 1))
[docs] def validate_cpu_count(cls, cpus): """IOSv only supports a single CPU.""" if cpus < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("CPUs", cpus, 1) elif cpus > 1: raise ValueTooHighError("CPUs", cpus, 1)
[docs] def validate_memory_amount(cls, megabytes): """IOSv has minimum 192 MB (with minimal feature set), max 3 GB.""" if megabytes < 192: raise ValueTooLowError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "192MB") elif megabytes < 384: # Warn but allow logger.warning("Less than 384MB of RAM may not be sufficient " "for some IOSv feature sets") elif megabytes > 3072: raise ValueTooHighError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "3GB")
[docs] def validate_nic_count(cls, count): """IOSv supports up to 16 NICs.""" if count < 0: raise ValueTooLowError("NICs", count, 0) elif count > 16: raise ValueTooHighError("NICs", count, 16)
[docs] def validate_serial_count(cls, count): """IOSv requires 1-2 serial ports.""" if count < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("serial ports", count, 1) elif count > 2: raise ValueTooHighError("serial ports", count, 2)
[docs]class NXOSv(GenericPlatform): """Platform-specific logic for Cisco NX-OSv (Titanium).""" PLATFORM_NAME = "Cisco NX-OSv" CONFIG_TEXT_FILE = 'nxos_config.txt' LITERAL_CLI_STRING = None SUPPORTED_NIC_TYPES = ["E1000", "virtio"] @classmethod
[docs] def guess_nic_name(cls, nic_number): """NX-OSv names its NICs a bit interestingly... * mgmt0 * Ethernet2/1 * Ethernet2/2 * ... * Ethernet2/48 * Ethernet3/1 * Ethernet3/2 * ... """ if nic_number == 1: return "mgmt0" else: return ("Ethernet{0}/{1}".format((nic_number - 2) // 48 + 2, (nic_number - 2) % 48 + 1))
[docs] def validate_cpu_count(cls, cpus): """NX-OSv requires 1-8 CPUs.""" if cpus < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("CPUs", cpus, 1) elif cpus > 8: raise ValueTooHighError("CPUs", cpus, 8)
[docs] def validate_memory_amount(cls, megabytes): """NX-OSv requires 2-8 GB of RAM.""" if megabytes < 2048: raise ValueTooLowError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "2GB") elif megabytes > 8192: raise ValueTooHighError("RAM", str(megabytes) + "MB", "8GB")
[docs] def validate_serial_count(cls, count): """NX-OSv requires 1-2 serial ports.""" if count < 1: raise ValueTooLowError("serial ports", count, 1) elif count > 2: raise ValueTooHighError("serial ports", count, 2)