Change Log

All notable changes to the COT project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

1.4.1 - 2015-09-02


  • #41 - symlinks were not dereferenced when writing out to OVA.

1.4.0 - 2015-09-01


  • #24 - cot deploy esxi now creates serial ports after deployment using pyVmomi library.
    • Serial port connectivity must be specified either via entries in the OVF (which can be defined using cot edit-hardware ... -S) or at deployment time using the new -S / --serial-connection parameter to cot deploy.
    • The syntax for serial port connectivity definition is based on that of QEMU’s --serial CLI option.
    • Currently only “telnet”, “tcp”, and “device” connection types are supported.
  • #38 - cot edit-product can now set product and vendor information.
  • flake8 validation now includes pep257 to validate docstring compliance to PEP 257 as well.
  • Added changelog file.
  • Added COT.file_reference submodule in support of #39.


  • Split ESXi-specific logic out of COT.deploy module and into new COT.deploy_esxi module.
  • UT for COT.deploy_esxi now requires mock (standard library in Python 3.x, install via pip on Python 2.x).


  • #39 - avoid unnecessary file copies to save time and disk space.

1.3.3 - 2015-07-02


  • #10 - When changing network mapping, delete no longer needed networks
  • #31 - Added --delete-all-other-profiles option to cot edit-hardware
  • #32 - cot edit-hardware network names can now use wildcards
  • #34 - cot add-disk can now be used to replace a CD-ROM drive with a hard disk, or vice versa.

1.3.2 - 2015-04-09


  • Adapt to changes to the Travis-CI testing environment.

1.3.1 - 2015-04-09


  • #30 - cot install-helpers can now install fatdisk and vmdktool under Python 3.

1.3.0 - 2015-03-27


  • Installation of helper programs is now provided by a cot install-helpers subcommand rather than a separate script.
  • COT now has man pages (man cot, man cot-edit-hardware, etc.) The man pages are also installed by cot install-helpers.
  • Improved documentation of the CLI on as well.


  • Refactored COT.helper_tools module into COT.helpers subpackage. This package has an API (COT.helpers.api) for the rest of COT to access it; the helper-specific logic (qemu-img, fatdisk, etc.) is split into individual helper modules that are abstracted away by the API.
  • Similarly, logic from COT.tests.helper_tools has been refactored and enhanced under COT.helpers.tests.
  • Renamed all test code files from “” to “” to facilitate test case discovery.
  • CLI help strings are dynamically rendered to ReST when docs are built, providing cleaner output for both and the manpages.


  • COT no longer supports Python 3.2.
  • cot_unittest is no more - use tox or unit2 discover to run tests.
  • As noted above, the installation script no longer exists - this functionality is now provided by the COT.install_helpers module.

1.2.4 - 2015-03-06


  • #29 - cot edit-properties interactive mode was broken in v1.2.2

1.2.3 - 2015-02-19


1.2.2 - 2015-02-19



  • CLI adapts more intelligently to terminal width (fixes #28)
  • Submodules now use Python properties instead of get_value/set_value methods.

1.2.1 - 2015-02-03


  • Now PEP 8 compliant - passes validation by flake8 code analysis.
  • Very preliminary support for OVF 2.x format
  • Now uses tox for easier test execution and for code coverage analysis.
  • Code coverage reporting with Coveralls.


  • Now uses colorlog instead of coloredlogs for CLI log colorization, as this fits better with COT’s logging model.
  • Greatly improved unit test structure and code coverage, including tests for logging.

1.2.0 - 2015-01-16


  • Greatly improved logging (#26). COT now defaults to logging level INFO, which provides relatively brief status updates to the user. You can also run with --quiet to suppress INFO messages and only log WARNING and ERROR messages, --verbose to see VERBOSE messages as well, or --debug if you want to really get into the guts of what COT is doing.
  • Now integrated with Travis CI for automated builds and UT under all supported Python versions. This should greatly improve the stability of COT under less-common Python versions. (#12)


  • The CLI for cot deploy has been revised somewhat based on user feedback.
  • A lot of restructuring of the underlying code to make things more modular and easier to test in isolation.


  • Various bugfixes for issues specific to Python 2.6 and 3.x - these environments should now be fully working again.

1.1.6 - 2015-01-05


  • Added THANKS file recognizing various non-code contributions to COT.


  • Bug fixes for cot inject-config and cot deploy, including issues #19 and #20 and a warning to users about serial ports and ESXi (issue eventually to be addressed by fixing #24).
  • More graceful handling of Ctrl-C interrupt while COT is running.

1.1.5 - 2014-11-25


  • Fixed issue #17 (cot edit-hardware adding NICs makes an OVA that vCenter regards as invalid)
  • Removed several spurious WARNING messages

1.1.4 - 2014-11-12


  • COT can at least be installed and run under CentOS/Python2.6 now, although the automated unit tests will complain about the different XML output that 2.6 produces.


  • Vastly improved installation workflow under Linuxes supporting apt-get or yum - included helper script can automatically install all helper programs except ovftool. Fixes #9.


  • Improved cot deploy handling of config profiles - fixed #5 and #15

1.1.3 - 2014-10-01


  • cot edit-hardware added --nic-names option for assigning names to each NIC
  • cot info now displays NIC names.


  • Improved installation documentation
  • Some improvements to IOS XRv OVA support

1.1.2 - 2014-09-24


  • Take advantage of QEMU 2.1 finally supporting the streamOptimized VMDK sub-format.
  • Can now create new hardware items without an existing item of the same type (issue #4)


  • Clearer documentation and logging messages (issue #8 and others)
  • Now uses versioneer for automatic version numbering.


  • Fixed several Python 3 compatibility issues (issue #7 and others)

1.1.1 - 2014-08-19


  • Minor bug fixes to cot deploy esxi.

1.1.0 - 2014-07-29


  • cot deploy esxi subcommand by Kevin Keim (@kakeim), which uses ovftool to deploy an OVA to an ESXi vCenter server.


  • Removed dependencies on md5 / md5sum / shasum / sha1sum in favor of Python’s hashlib module.
  • Nicer formatting of cot info output


  • Miscellaneous fixes and code cleanup.

1.0.0 - 2014-06-27

Initial public release.