COT.deploy module

Module for deploying VM descriptions to a hypervisor to instantiate VMs.


COTDeploy Semi-abstract class for submodules used to deploy a VM to a hypervisor.
COTDeployESXi Submodule for deploying VMs on ESXi and VMware vCenter/vSphere.
class COTDeploy(UI)[source]

Bases: COT.submodule.COTReadOnlySubmodule

Semi-abstract class for submodules used to deploy a VM to a hypervisor.

Provides some baseline parameters and input validation that are expected to be common across all concrete subclasses.

Inherited attributes: UI, package,

Attributes: generic_parser, parser, subparsers, hypervisor, configuration, username, password, power_on, vm_name, network_map

create_subparser(parent, storage)[source]

Add subparser for the CLI of this submodule.


Unlike most submodules, this one has subparsers of its own - 'cot deploy PACKAGE <hypervisor>' so subclasses of this module should call super().create_subparser(parent, storage) (to create the main ‘deploy’ subparser if it doesn’t already exist) then call self.subparsers.add_parser() to add their own sub-subparser.

  • parent (object) – Subparser grouping object returned by ArgumentParser.add_subparsers()
  • storage (dict) – Dict of { ‘label’: subparser } to be updated with subparser(s) created, if any.

Check whether the module is ready to run().

Returns:(True, ready_message) or (False, reason_why_not)

VM configuration profile to use for deployment.

Raise:InvalidInputError if not a profile defined in the VM.
generic_parser = None

Generic parser object providing args that most subclasses will use.

Subclasses can call self.subparsers.add_parser(parents=[self.generic_parser]) to automatically inherit this set of args


Hypervisor to deploy to.

Raise:InvalidInputError if not a recognized value.

Mapping of network names to networks.

password = None

Server login password.


Whether to automatically power on the VM after deployment.

subparsers = None

Subparser grouping for hypervisor-specific sub-subparsers.

Subclasses should generally have their create_subparser() implementations create their sub-subparsers under subparsers and NOT under parent.

username = None

Server login username.

vm_name = None

Name of the created virtual machine

class COTDeployESXi(UI)[source]

Bases: COT.deploy.COTDeploy

Submodule for deploying VMs on ESXi and VMware vCenter/vSphere.

Inherited attributes: UI, package, generic_parser, parser, subparsers, hypervisor, configuration, username, password, power_on, vm_name, network_map

Attributes: locator, datastore, ovftool_args

create_subparser(parent, storage)[source]

Add subparser for the CLI of this submodule.

This will create the shared parser under parent, then create our own sub-subparser under subparsers.

  • parent (object) – Subparser grouping object returned by ArgumentParser.add_subparsers()
  • storage (dict) – Dict of { ‘label’: subparser } to be updated with subparser(s) created, if any.

Check whether the module is ready to run().

Returns:(True, ready_message) or (False, reason_why_not)

Do the actual work of this submodule - deploying to ESXi.

Raises InvalidInputError:
 if ready_to_run() reports False
datastore = None

ESXi datastore to deploy to.

locator = None

vSphere target locator.


List of CLI arguments to pass through to ovftool.